I agree with what you say Mary. What p/isses me off even more, is that of the hospitals that PASSED the standards , I’ve been in three of them as a patient and let me assure you, the filth and neglect was terrifying; blood and shit up the walls, overflowing waste-product bins , sporadically-changed sheets….my husband had to dress my wounds to prevent them from being infected. It got so bad, I discharged myself just as I was beginning my chemo and radio…and practically crawled back to hospital each day for my treatment.
Administration hasn’t a clue what’s going on. Most of the doctors..certainly the consultants..are oblivious to the conditions on the wards. Half the nurses come straight from college and don’t want to soil themselves with blood and guts nursing; the cleaning is contracted out; the meals are contracted out….bl@@dy staying alive is contracted out! And chriist help you if you’re elderly and require something ludicrous like being fed.
I can honestly say that I am alive today IN SPITE OF the N.H.S. and not because of it…
and I haven’t even touched the tip of the iceberg regarding the horrors that I’ve witnessed
and that I’ve had done to me!!!