I was bemoaning the disgraceful behaviour of today’s youth..when suddenly it all came flooding back :
wrapping a dog poo in newspaper..putting it outside someone’s door..setting it alight..then waiting for the berate householder to come out and STAMP on it..
breaking all the windows on a new housing estate and throwing the workmen’s clothes down a well..
habitually stealing from the local sweet shop by concealing mars bars and turkish delights
inside my mum’s big furry mitts..even in July..
letting down the tyres on the paper-boy’s bike [coz I had a crush on him] then trying to pedal away on my own wee bike but he outran me and dragged me home to my mum for a walloping..
pretending that I’d died and terrorising my wee brother with my newly arisen apparition..
But I was a sweet little girl otherwise :oops: