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  • #238616

    It IS his day job Drivel.. you cheeky sod..and it captures me to perfection as it happens [-X ..Pity you can’t see the masterpiece that is my pet crow Wicca :!:




    Very sad and more than a little ironic that a man who wrestled crocodiles and poisonous reptiles..should be killed by a fish..albeit a giant stingray.

    Personally..could never watch him as I have an extreme aversion to poisonous reptiles with no legs..can’t even bear to print the word.. but it begins and ends in ‘s’ and has ‘nake’ in the middle…aaargh!


    Try taking your own advice Guff..and know of what you comment..As a PROFESSIONAL HISTORIAN I was QUOTING from a text recently expounded by my eminent colleague David Starkey,on the evolution of Islam and I hardly need a lecture on the Crusades et al from the likes of you. Incidentally..that which I find fascinating..I may equally disagree with :twisted:


    DOLT #-o


    Indeed an astute precognition by old Winnie and a commentary which holds credence today. I note with particular interest his reference to Christianity being sheltered in the strong arms of science, as fascinatingly enough, David Starkey most recently propounded
    the theory that ‘Muhammadenism’ in its infancy in comparison to Christianity by some several hundred years , exhibits today, the barbaric practices of the dark ages as were embodied by the Christian Church at that time. Fascinating stuff..






    Iam but a poor tortured artistic genius..and much more which I would elaborate on..but modesty forbids :oops:
    However I am mathematically inept..arithmetically challenged…
    CAN’T COUNT..WON’T COUNT!! And I demand that you withdraw this suzuki thread at once in acknowledgement of its affront to me as an openly proud numerical numbnuts.
    Failure to comply with my demand may result in my signature portrait having to be tampered with to accommodate a suitable protestation. I’m thinking along the lines of ‘subuteo sucks!’ tattooed on my forehead. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED :evil:


    WINK :wink:

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