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  • #240179

    Becky..I ‘work out all that crap’ from a neutral and intellectual perspective in that ‘I may not agree with your views but I fight to the death for your right to express them.’ If this is indeed a thread for people to express their feelings at the death of Steve Irwin..then Peeved’s views are as relevant to the thread as are yours. Some see Irwin as a hero..some as a fool. Not a time for crocodile tears.If you believe it unfair to be accused of hi-jacking the family sorrow..consider the injustice of accusing Peeved of hi-jacking this thread. Steve Irwin’s death is sad. His family must be devasted. Shyt happens!!!
    You are entitled to your views…as is am I.


    Becky..regarding badmouthing the dead..pointing out their faults etc. It’s a strangely British absurdity that the dead should be afforded plaudits they were often never given whilst alive. Hypocritical bullshyte. All this public outpouring of ‘grief’ needs to be seen in perspective. Allow the actual family of Steve Irwin to mourn their loss without hi-jacking their sorrow.


    I donate to both animal AND human charities on a regular basis…I don’t consider human life to be more important than that of any other species on the many cases
    less so :!:

    When was the last time you had a big greasy bag of chips/french fries..smothered in salt and vinegar? :D


    With all due respect..I hardly think Steve Irwin’s family are rushing to read the JC boards at this time. I think you’re being hard on Peeved who is entitled to an opinion whether it agrees with your own sentiments or no. Interestingly..Chris Packham [wildlife expert] makes much the same point as Peeved vis-s-vis the foolhardiness of handling dangerous animals in the way that was the signature of Steve Irwin, whilst admiring the man for his conservation work. I can also understand why Peeved should find the outpouring of ‘grief’ questionable for someone we have only seen on television…yes it’s sad..but it’s hardly a death in the immediate family. I was one of the first to contribute to the Steve Irwin thread when I heard of his death yesterday. I find ANY life cut short..a tragedy..but I am not about to pretend that it is the end of the world. If we all looked to our friends..our neighbours..the lonely wee lady up the street..rather than strangers on a
    television screen..the less the world would revolve on ‘celebrity’ and the healthier we would be for it :!:


    :lol: Naughty Beatty :lol: :lol: :lol:


    :lol:when I had my last dose of morphine :lol:

    when was the last time you donated to an animal charity :?:


    Hieronymous Bosch :twisted:


    Hi Tad ..I’m fairly new on JC so we haven’t really ‘met’ yet..but I just want to wish you and your BEAUTIFUL wee baby girl all the best for a happy future. She really is a bobby dazzler :)


    ‘Not quite cricket’……as a means to an end..warfare is entitled to be as bloody and as dirty as victory necessitates. Humane war? A contradiction in terms. Life has always been cheap..let’s not pretend there’s a NICE way of cutting it down. At the height of the I.R.A. activity in Britain, when people were wringing their hands at the perceived ‘atrocities’..a certain Spike Milligan pointed out that the I.R.A. having declared war..were no worse in their strategies than the marionette British armed forces and their puppeteers. Where warfare endeavours to grind the enemy into submission…it will always be ‘Not quite cricket’

    I speak as a pacifist.



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