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  • #385289

    Of course not…it would be a spiteful and petty thing to do.


    Y’know, women like myself, who have chosen not to have children, garner astounding opprobrium for our assumed lack of maternal instinct; whilst prodigious breeders are lauded for the earth-mothering capacities that their evident fecundity allegedly bestows.
    The truth is proved sadly to the contrary time and again with reports of slatternly, haphazard, brutal and murderous mamas, hitting the headlines on a weekly if not daily basis; and for every incident of neglect or abuse that enters the public domain, there are hundreds and thousands that do not.
    How often does an act of child-brutality get prefaced with comments from the vigilante mob with
    “As a mum..this disgusts me..blah blah..” or “As a parent myself, this affects me..yadda yadda..”
    Well I’m not a mother, but I know what it is to feel tender protective adoration for a tiny baby, for a small child, for any vulnerable innocent creature adrift in a world capable of peddling depravity and evil in tandem with purity and good.
    I am a mother to each and every person I love, I nourish and nurture, I suckle with my spirit if not my breasts (although..they do sometimes play a part :wink:) and I would and do fight dragons for them.
    If we were less surprised by the wicked that mothers can do, then perhaps fewer desperate, abused and unloved children would have to suffer unseen.

    #166501 :twisted:


    @bat wrote:

    @esmeralda wrote: don’t have to believe..just beware!

    Candyman Trailer

    Candyman Suite:Helen’s Theme – Philip Glass

    I bet you didn,t look in the mirror and say Candyman 5 times did you? :lol:
    I,d only do it if pete did it first. Then if the bad guy got him I,d know it was true. :lol:

    I wind up my hubby by saying it and he shrieks at me to shut up by the time I get to four.
    .he’s a wuss :twisted:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @esmeralda wrote:

    My favourite genre..I watched Candyman ^ in the dead of night whilst living next to a remote hillside graveyard..and all on my ownsome. :twisted:

    Did “THEY” come and get you???

    Nah..the undead were more scared of me then me of them! :wink:


    My favourite genre..I watched Candyman ^ in the dead of night whilst living next to a remote hillside graveyard..and all on my ownsome. :twisted:


    To me..



    Not planned but could I not be? :-

    #385215 don’t have to believe..just beware!

    Candyman Trailer

    Candyman Suite:Helen’s Theme – Philip Glass


    The Art of Poetry
    by Jorge Luis Borges

    To gaze at a river made of time and water
    And remember Time is another river.
    To know we stray like a river
    and our faces vanish like water.

    To feel that waking is another dream
    that dreams of not dreaming and that the death
    we fear in our bones is the death
    that every night we call a dream.

    To see in every day and year a symbol
    of all the days of man and his years,
    and convert the outrage of the years
    into a music, a sound, and a symbol.

    To see in death a dream, in the sunset
    a golden sadness–such is poetry,
    humble and immortal, poetry,
    returning, like dawn and the sunset.

    Sometimes at evening there’s a face
    that sees us from the deeps of a mirror.
    Art must be that sort of mirror,
    disclosing to each of us his face.

    They say Ulysses, wearied of wonders,
    wept with love on seeing Ithaca,
    humble and green. Art is that Ithaca,
    a green eternity, not wonders.

    Art is endless like a river flowing,
    passing, yet remaining, a mirror to the same
    inconstant Heraclitus, who is the same
    and yet another, like the river flowing.

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