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  • #420516

    Kittens saved after global appeal…Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    Offers of support from around the world have saved kittens at a rescue centre from being put down.
    Fears had been raised about the future of the kittens at the Decoy Kitten Rescue centre in Newton Abbot, Devon after a visit from the bailiffs.
    The centre faced a vets bill of £800 which it could not pay.
    But after the kittens’ plight was revealed, offers of cash support have been coming in from as far afield as the Cayman Islands and Australia.
    Read the full report HERE

    This is wonderful news..restores my faith in humanity.


    The Continental Shelf Act 1964 and the Continental Shelf (Jurisdiction) Order 1968 defines the UK North Sea maritime area to the north of latitude 55 degrees north as being under the jurisdiction of Scots law meaning that 90% of the UK’s oil resources were under Scottish jurisdiction. In addition, section 126 of the Scotland Act 1998 defines Scottish waters as the internal waters and territorial sea of the United Kingdom as are adjacent to Scotland.
    Recent evidence by Kemp and Stephen (1999) has tried to estimate hypothetical Scottish shares of North Sea Oil revenue by dividing the UK sector of the North Sea into separate Scottish and UK sectors using the international principle of equidistance as utilised under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) – such a convention is used in defining the maritime assets of newly formed states and resolving international maritime disputes. The study by Kemp & Stephen showed that hypothesised Scottish shares of North Sea oil revenue over the period 1970 to 1999, varied to as high as 98%.

    Bonnie Prince Petie


    @pete wrote:

    Nothing personal but independance for Scotland, that would be finicial disaster without the EU

    Which is why I emphasise the current stance of the SNP – ‘Independence Within Europe.’
    Can I assume that given your stance against the EU and your insistence that Scottish independence outwith it would be financially catastrophic, that you still want us attached to your lot down in Westminster?
    Away and bile yer heid, sassenach eejit. 8)

    Oh and btw..we’d be the richest little country on the planet if you hadn’t thieved our oil. :twisted:


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    Despite my ignorance on the subject and so offering merely a personal opinion, I did know about the EU flag, what i meant was that will be the ONLY flag for every “EU country”and i wouldnt be suprised if it doesnt end up having a swastika neatly embossed in it, but you are right Esme i went off on a fanatical rant, i dont think their should be a european union, i dont agree with it and i don’t believe the blood spilt was to achieve what we now have as a “super state” dictated to by others. Nato treaty bringing armies together after the 2nd world war is one thing,but this farce of a union,is a removal of individual nations democracy,(in my uneducated opinion on the matter that is ) that i don’t like, what i asked for was anothers viewpoint as to why we should have or need it. Rather than just the fact that my demonising the EU serves no purpose, i chose to have that opinion but i am open to any arguements as to why it is in any way beneficial to us as a seperate nation whether that be english, scottish or any other. Why does my opinion serve no purpose exactly ? thats what i would like to know, how can i see this in a different light? guide me and teach me how wrong i am in this opinion made up from this lack of knowledge.

    Your initial post failed to clarify that you believed there would be an EU flag to the exclusion of all others – although I see you still insist on the outrageous reference to fascist Germany in its design. I rather think the French at the very least would disagree with you on the likelihood of that one.
    Whilst entitled to your opinion..I am entitled to mine which finds a deal of repugnance in the little englander attitude still harking back to war and loss of life as a reason to continue to hate the rest of the world particularly those bloody krauts.
    That said – yes I want independence for Scotland – but i’m also a realist and at present Independence in Europe – is our way forward. Thus, in theory this means accepting the responsibilities of a member state of the Eu, in which independent states have pooled certain of their sovereign rights for the common good.
    I believe the arrow has so far missed the target, we teeter on federalism to our cost and have – at the very least – to begin to claw back a few of our sovereign rights to balance the European see-saw. And with that mix of metaphors, I shall endeth this sermon on the mount.


    Your reasoned argument wanders off into the realm of fanatical rant, Poli when you introduce the notion of a ‘germanic orientated’ flag and the deaths of our forefathers rendered pointless by the existence of the EU – when in fact the EU came about in part to unite previously warring nations – all of whom had blood spilled on European soils.
    Forcing the Lisbon Treaty may be an appalling act of political trickery, but demonising the EU as some kind of quasi-fascist superpower isn’t helpful. Incidentally the EU flag exists already – note the absence of swastika.

    There can be no question that forcing referenda until the result is the one wanted by those – and such as those – is wrong! wrong! wrong!
    Yet it isn’t that simple, as a Scot I would prefer total independence for my country, but it isn’t working for what is the answer? Regarding the EU, what started in the seventies as an economic union, is now heading towards federalism and I’m wary of it to say the least. Independence within Europe is the ideal, but I don’t know that it will happen.
    In summary: I’m against the second referendum, I want to see fundamental changes in the current set-up of the EU – less federalism more independence within Europe. In reality, we are all interdependent on one another, that isn’t going to change, but it has to be about honouring our disparate cultures. and devolving more power back to individual government.


    @forumhostgm wrote:

    @esmeralda wrote:

    @forumhostgm wrote:

    if the cap fits……….


    Not a cap, sweetheart – think of it more as a sparkling crown
    hell..let’s make that a halo

    I think we might just manage a compromise here poppet, i know my
    little gandaughter (she’s 9 btw love her to bits)

    anyway… she has a sparking crown come halo,
    maybe, just maybe, she might let me borrow it to give to you??

    but……… she did have it first, so, i might need it back again

    (she throws the most awful tantrums you know)

    here’s an idea………

    maybe we could adjust it a little, and turn it onto a Tiara??

    what’s your thought’s poppet??


    Thanks for the offer of the used tiara..but I have a perfectly serviceable one of my own..hanging next to my crown and my witch’s hat.’s a hooded cloak to be honest..but the spells and hexes work just as devilishly. Must be the talk of ‘poppet’ that’s made me digress..I use mine for sticking pins in.
    The best of health to you xx


    Congratulations on your new grandson’s safe arrival, Dawny. xx


    @forumhostgm wrote:

    if the cap fits……….


    Not a cap, sweetheart – think of it more as a sparkling crown
    hell..let’s make that a halo


    @forumhostgm wrote:

    Esme darling.

    stop being a Diva it doesnt suit you. :wink:
    GM. xx

    Hmm : diva noun (divas or dive) a great female singer, especially in opera.
    ETYMOLOGY: 19c: Latin, meaning ‘goddess’.

    ergo..I think you’ll find the description of ‘diva’ suits me very well gm.


    @chathostuk wrote:

    Darn! I wanted to be the inventor of changing forum category names and descriptions. Ah well, you snooze you lose!

    Never’ve woken up at :wink:

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