• oh and he got banned from the contact center when he went to see his child cos he was so pissed he could walk through the door.

    I didnt even know all this til his mother got so drunk she admitted it all to me.


  • David Patterson you are so good at abusing women and urinating on them in public but where is your son?

    you got banged up and arrested but where is your son?

    You are the biggest troll here and have trolled these rooms for 20 years but where is your son?

    You came in here and said you wanked over my dead babies ashes but where is your son?

    You…[Read more]

  • this is the man who threatened to rape my grandson who is not even two years old if i didnt sever all ties with ‘alfie’ this is the man who told me i wasnt allowed to talk to men and that i was a slag

    this is the man who told me i was not allowed to dump him because he would slit my sons throat on his way to work and said he had my mothers…[Read more]


    but your personality and lack of loyalty towards your friends really makes you the most wantable friend in all of Jc history

    enjoy your stay x

    just make sure he has his first beer by 9am and you give him unburnt toast by 10am then dont let him get hungry and his mum will call at 11pm to make sure…[Read more]

  • I appologise x i meant no offence x


  • I understand exactly what you are saying just.

    Unfortunately some people are complete arseholes when they are sober.

    I dont think you should generalise about drinkers.

    I know plenty of people who are total tosspots who never ever touch alcohol or drugs.

    I am sure that you do too.

    My point is about LIARS

    People who call others a ‘drunken…[Read more]

  • I agree.

    The honest drinkers get so much grief for admitting they drink.

    Me, Jamie, King, GE, Maddy

    But what about the drinkers who hide and pretend they never touch booze?

    Weemo, Tracynumber1 and so many others

    And its the secret drinkers who abuse the honest ones.

    It is the secret drinkers who say evil nasty crap judge others and be as…[Read more]

  • tracy x x x

    Sep 18th, 11:52:03 am

    Maybe if tye browns stopped breeding the world wouldn’t be over populated

    number 1 tracy
    Sep 18th, 11:52:08 am

    You post a clip of what Draculina said and circled it?

    You make a racist remark then call me a stalker when I back justnothing up for saying his opinion which I…[Read more]

  • Morg go back to just spamming crap in f2, the boards really are not your domain.

    You are just getting battered on here.

    Seriously it is embarrassing to watch, I feel bad for you.

    Stick to what you are good at – hiding, abusing chatters, spamming lies and crap repeatedly and typing in capitals.  You lack the intelligence for the boards.

    Sorry,…[Read more]

  • Equalizer replied to the topic alfie in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 6 months ago

    Oh his mother will be pleased, she was trying to offload him onto me but I wasn’t as stupid as you are I mean I wasnt as stunningly slim and pretty as you are.

    You are a proper step up I must say.  I always knew he preferred you, he used to tell me how much he fancied you and how much he wanted to get to know you better.  One night he even c…[Read more]

  • Equalizer replied to the topic alfie in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 6 months ago

    The tiny hand ‘joke’ again?

    So very original.

    Better than having a tiny brain and urm other things.

    Yeah I am glad Mo has taken over I have done my fair share of stint for care in the community.

    My work for charity is done

    He doesnt live above a macdonalds he lives with his mum.


  • Equalizer replied to the topic alfie in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 6 months ago

    Yeah but FFS don’t burn his toast.

    Makes him well angry.

    Don’t try to scrape the burnt bits off either, he will send you text messages and voicemails threatening to kill everyone you know and rape everyone til he has eaten and calmed down.

    Apparently all men act this way when they are hungweee.

    His mummy never ever lets him go hungwee.

    Oh and…[Read more]

  • Equalizer replied to the topic alfie in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 6 months ago

    He steals ketchup and mayonnaise from caravan sites restaurants.

    Also duvets, saucepans and glasses.

    Sits for hours emptying little packets of salts into salt pots.

    Goes to arcades looking for 2ps

    He is a real cracker.

  • Hear hear Justnothing, very eloquently put.


  • Equalizer replied to the topic alfie in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 6 months ago

    ‘spit in his face and said I’m off with my new fellow’?

    I gave some bloke a light outside for his fag.

    Jesus considering I smell so bad I didnt half manage to pull another ‘fellow’ quickly didn’t I?

    There was no ‘fellow’ I went back to the caravan alone packed my stuff threw his crap into his car slept for 3 hours then got the train home.

    Oh…[Read more]

  • Equalizer replied to the topic alfie in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 6 months ago

    This is all I will say.

    Morg was arrested on Thursday for physically assaulting me in public, I did not call the police people at the bus stop on the site did.

    I have no care for what anyone believes, I know full well Linda will now say that I am either lying or that I deserved it but the facts are the facts.

    HE was arrested NOT ME and I DID…[Read more]

  • Pineapples are a bind too.


  • Equalizer replied to the topic alfie in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 6 months ago

    Yet another story.

    ALL of it fiction of course.

    Not sure any publishers will touch that to be fair.

    Best go back to the drawing board son.

    The truth is the truth, I know the truth and that is all that matters.

    Spreading lies about someone only gets to them if they care about the people who are spreading them.

    And I dont.



  • I don’t use pepper just lots of garlic and sometimes old, angry, stray, worn out and ready for the knackers yard donkeys just to make the stew more ropey then I feed it to all the rats and cockroaches at JC.

    Watch out Linds you may end up in my pot, them critters are hungry.


  • Equalizer replied to the topic alfie in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 6 months ago

    I’ve been gone for nearly three months love elsewhere on another site.  What do you think I had my little flying monkeys doing my bidding whilst I was away all that time?

    Woman, come on.

    And I did what all myself?

    What do you think somehow I am being ‘punished’ or something LOL

    Even on a truce I attacked YOU again? mmm oh you mean like 8…[Read more]

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