token_male replied to the topic Unemployed Doctor chooses benefits over work in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
@waspish wrote:
stop[ their benefits because he made himself jobless by choice.. ???? cant they do this ???
give em a free holiday in pakistan for the daughters,and the mother. and send the males to afghanistan. saves em doing it in the future innit….RAF surveillance planes hear Taliban fighters talking in Brummie and Yorkshire…
waspish replied to the topic Unemployed Doctor chooses benefits over work in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
@waspish wrote:
stop[ their benefits because he made himself jobless by choice.. ???? cant they do this ???
give em a free holiday in pakistan for the daughters,and the mother. and send the males to afghanistan. saves em doing it in the future innit….RAF surveillance planes hear Taliban fighters talking in Brummie and Yorkshire…
sharongooner replied to the topic MAN CHARGED OVER HEADLESS BODY in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
Shouldnt laugh…. but I feel like laughing my head off :lol:
Funny, but after posting that Sharon, did you quiver at the possibility of it happening to you?
Not atall. Cant go around thinking those sorts of depressing thoughts.
WooHoo replied to the topic MAN CHARGED OVER HEADLESS BODY in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
A post-mortem examination on the body could not establish a cause of death.
Perhaps having his head hacked off might provide a clue?????
It could be a possibility. :?
ForumHostPB replied to the topic MAN CHARGED OVER HEADLESS BODY in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
A post-mortem examination on the body could not establish a cause of death.
Perhaps having his head hacked off might provide a clue?????
prettypink replied to the topic Let the people decide, DEMOCRACY in the board Polls 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
SomGe focker ban me FFS, give me a focking good reason why i shouldn’t come here.
shiWt entertainment centre artificial leg m,dnv/ fhgsdvfn/LFMwl
wfEH!…have you been on the Apple juice
emmalush replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@R.O.T.T wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
ROTT, should the government make society safer for us?
no goverment can cover every eventuality
should the government make society safer for us?
R.O.T.T replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
I remember as a 10 year old being the only one in the house on a saturday afternoon, leaving the door open whilst nipping down the road to get the weeks meat from the butcher van, i could even pop next door before i got home, there was no worry of someone entering the house. Now, i’d never leave my door open, its always locked…
emmalush replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@R.O.T.T wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
@R.O.T.T wrote:
would anyone think it wise for a young teenager to walk alone into a town centre
So whilst its not safe, should government make it safe?
your losing it
quote me any time in history it has being safe to walk alone irrespective of gender or age
although a young teenager is more… -
R.O.T.T replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
@R.O.T.T wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
@R.O.T.T wrote:
[get a taxi or a bus
Shouldn’t have to, but understanding the point is pointless on you.
who walks home from town after a night out
one step forward three backwards
a wise move would get a taxi and see if martin the muslim will exchange the fare for a BJReality fails you miserably. The…
R.O.T.T replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
@R.O.T.T wrote:
[get a taxi or a bus
Shouldn’t have to, but understanding the point is pointless on you.
who walks home from town after a night out
one step forward three backwards
i understand you would be on your own after failing to pull any of the pop supping rastas
a wise move would get a taxi and see if martin the muslim will…[Read more] -
R.O.T.T replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
That was the response from a young teenager earlier on tut radio explaining that she couldn’t take part in dance lessons because scumbags are allowed to roam our streets praying on innocent people. She is too scared to walk into a multi-cultural hellhole town like Leicester, a city gloryfied for its diversity, hellfire.
We could…
prettypink replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
DONT LOOK..Dawny!! it`l be gruesome!
And it is, but Dawny thinks islam is good and peacefull because she only see’s the things about it that she would deem normal. She asked me to open my mind, care to practice what you preach and watch the blood running down a baby’s forehead whilst in tears?
Wishing it didn’t…
prettypink replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
Why do you have a friend that believes in slitting the throat of innocent sheep and letting them bleed to death in agony? Or the belief ritual of cutting a baby’s head several times.
This is not biggoted views, this is FACT, all im doing is telling you.
Its now upto you to make the next move, do you accept it, or show…
prettypink replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
All this is going to going on , long after we are gone. Im pleased you
stand up for what you beleive in, and in somethings you say I agree with, but your
going to have to get half the country on your side,if not more!! before anything
is ever going to be done about it. They are all as bad as one another! but Good… -
PATS replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
one lady said earlier on the news “i used to come 4 times a week, now i only come once”.
I think she should dump him and get herself a man with more stamina
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Pebbles replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
one lady said earlier on the news “i used to come 4 times a week, now i only come once”.
I think she should dump him and get herself a man with more stamina
Man in Beds replied to the topic Let the people decide, DEMOCRACY in the board Polls 17 years ago
@*Sian wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
@*Sian wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
i dont get it, why do i get so much abuse from folk here, and yet no one has voted for me to be banned.
You have an opinion… thats enough, I personally dislike most of the views you have but who am I to judge, I just avoid reading most of your posts. :D
And that is the correct…
Sian replied to the topic Let the people decide, DEMOCRACY in the board Polls 17 years ago
@sharongooner wrote:
@*Sian wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
i dont get it, why do i get so much abuse from folk here, and yet no one has voted for me to be banned.
You have an opinion… thats enough, I personally dislike most of the views you have but who am I to judge, I just avoid reading most of your posts. :D
And that is the correct way to go…
Sian replied to the topic Let the people decide, DEMOCRACY in the board Polls 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
i dont get it, why do i get so much abuse from folk here, and yet no one has voted for me to be banned.
You have an opinion… thats enough, I personally dislike most of the views you have but who am I to judge, I just avoid reading most of your posts. :D
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