emmalush replied to the topic Yet another racist attack! in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
ahh aint they cute, little fluffy pudding chats.
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@*Dawny* wrote:
Oh and I do apologise for my tardy reply, but i have been in the “real” world, conducting a “real” life
Describe the “real” world?
What are the millions or billions of folk that havn’t lived in your “real” world? Because clearly your version will be one “real” world amongst millions…
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@*Dawny* wrote:
Why is it any of our business how other religions are practised? They are not enforcing their belief’s onto you/us.
But they are, the koran/qu`ran says, “fight those of the unbelievers”. Theres something else about converting non muslims. Convertion is rife in our prisons, especially of christians.
I don’t question other peoples…
emmalush replied to the topic Work or lose home in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
The liberalism we voted into power have got us deep into “european human rights”, so quite laughable that they say if you dont work you lose your council flat, because its AGAINST someone’s human right to be
A, forced to work.
B, kicked onto the street.This is just a VISUAL stunt by fascist labour because their behind in the polls and public…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years, 1 month ago
@Slayer wrote:
the slaughtering of animals is not one of life’s pleasant tasks, no matter what your religion
The more humane way is to stun gun cattle, which is how most western society cultures use, but in the islamic belief, they slit a sheeps throat and let the poor thing die a very slow death.
You will try and make us all think the islamic…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Let the people decide, DEMOCRACY in the board Polls 17 years, 1 month ago
@Slayer wrote:
why would I want to be such a “fascist” as to wish you banned
Finally someone explains the 41% who want me banned as being fascists.
…and folk call what believe in, fascism, hmm
emmalush replied to the topic BNP expose London Transport’s anti-white campaign in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@Tilly Mint wrote:
It might only but 1%, 2% or 3% of adverts that do this, but since when does racism have to be on a large scale to be important and recognised.
But it is high level racism, London Transport run on the overall say so of New Racist Labour’s Ken Livingstone. Being London Mayor is a massive job in british politricks.
Maybe your…
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years, 1 month ago
@*Dawny* wrote:
I like the fact that the UK is diverse, I like the mixture of people and mixed beliefs.
How many proper friends do you have that are white, asian or black? Way to many to mentionWhat are the religions of these proper friends? Some Christian, Catholic, Hindu, MuslimWhat is there musical tastes? As diverse as they are
So you like…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic BNP expose London Transport’s anti-white campaign in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@Sword wrote:
Power to the people! I remember Wolfie in the 70’s.
Nations are about cummunity, national spirit.
When the people are UNITED (they think similarly) they are united and work together.
When society is massively diverse as we are today, we fail to understand eachother, its not our fault, thats the fault of those who inflict mass…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years, 1 month ago
@Sword wrote:
Lets talk about you and random Emma…
Who’s the “you”? PB will be cracking up at that im sure.
you are as random as a BNP statement
Randomly put. Im enlightened :wink:
I agree that our country is fucked up, but no more from foreigners than people like you…
May i suggest you take a look at the billions of taxes spent on…
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years, 1 month ago
@*Dawny* wrote:
I like the fact that the UK is diverse, I like the mixture of people and mixed beliefs.
Lets examine your diversity at random. You are about as random a person as they come.
How many proper friends do you have that are white, asian or black?
What are the religions of these proper friends?
What is there musical tastes?I have…
emmalush replied to the topic BNP expose London Transport’s anti-white campaign in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@Slayer wrote:
1. You can walk into a pub and buy a pint…jus like anyone else
2. You can have your haircut at any hairdressers you like….jus like anyone else
3. You can walk down your local high street…jus like anyone else
4. You can go to church on a Sunday morning…jus like anyone else
5. You can buy this weeks Sun….jus like anyone… -
emmalush replied to the topic BNP expose London Transport’s anti-white campaign in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@Slayer wrote:
YES- there will be other incompetent HR pink and fluffy nobodies out there who think that adverts like this promote a good image of a multi racial society when in fact it does the opposite.
emmalush replied to the topic BNP expose London Transport’s anti-white campaign in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@sharongooner wrote:
My boss at work applied to go on a panel show, similar to question time (he loves politics). He sent his application on line and received an email back to say they already had enough of “his type” for the show.
White, middle aged and male.
White liberals run the “show”, whether it be politics or the media or socail, and they…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic BNP expose London Transport’s anti-white campaign in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
I think its digusting that they are allowed to advertise in this way.
I saw another similar story recently, where white men were banned from fire brigade recruitment sessions because bosses want to hit their diversity targets.
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years, 1 month ago
@*Dawny* wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
@*Dawny* wrote:
Emma I usually keep my neb outta things that go on in here. But do yourself a favour and stop trying to stick your views and opinions down peoples throats! We all have differnt views and opinions, its freedom of speach. The rest of us dont shove our views down your throat, so why should you be doing…
emmalush replied to the topic BNP expose London Transport’s anti-white campaign in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@Tilly Mint wrote:
Colour is relevant. As described in Emmalush’s first post ‘The job is for “Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Students’ <
how is it not about colour?
White British people are being outcasted. While Non-White Brits or just general non-whites/ethnic groups are being favoured. This has everything to do with colour in the eyes of t… -
emmalush replied to the topic BNP expose London Transport’s anti-white campaign in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@waspish wrote:
its a little ironic that this tin pot government were elected on education education education, but as soon as the muslims clap their whip the government roll over and allow them to opt out of the inspection from ofstead.
I dont think muslims or any other group of people clap their whip. White liberals PANDER to muslims, because…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years, 1 month ago
@prettypink wrote:
yepp it would bother me if they made fags illegal..Which is probabley next on their list!
So you just let them get away with it…
In your first post you said “Gawd!!! Whats the point , your never going to beable to change this.. Just Try and enjoy life and forget about all this… ”
How will you enjoy the things you like,…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years, 1 month ago
@*Dawny* wrote:
Emma I usually keep my neb outta things that go on in here. But do yourself a favour and stop trying to stick your views and opinions down peoples throats! We all have differnt views and opinions, its freedom of speach. The rest of us dont shove our views down your throat, so why should you be doing it?!
Oh and trying to bully… - Load More