emmalush replied to the topic Unemployed Doctor chooses benefits over work in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
It must surely be in the country’s best interests that working is better than claiming benefit, but not for this family, because its government policy to give folk more money for not working.
If you want to earn a free living, make 11 babies.
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@Lollipop wrote:
I agree with your point Emma, but if the only reason people go to pubs and bingo halls is to smoke and nothing else – its kind of sad and pointless. If I smoked (not that I do) and went playing bingo, a bit of cold air would not stop me from going on a regular basis.
Think of all the lives smokers are saving by not allowing second…
emmalush replied to the topic White liberals are the decent people’s enemy in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
White liberals tell us that “we cant do without immigration, it boosts our economy”.
White liberals tell us that the Poles are hard working.
White liberal politcal and social policy has encouraged more crime on our streets with their open-door immigration policy.
One immigrant is arrested every 4 minutes on britain’s streets, the Poles being…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Goodbye to you all. in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago
SomGe focker ban me FFS, give me a focking good reason why i shouldn’t come here.
shiWt entertainment centre artificial leg m,dnv/ fhgsdvfn/LFMwl
wf -
emmalush replied to the topic Let the people decide, DEMOCRACY in the board Polls 17 years ago
SomGe focker ban me FFS, give me a focking good reason why i shouldn’t come here.
shiWt entertainment centre artificial leg m,dnv/ fhgsdvfn/LFMwl
wf -
emmalush replied to the topic Let the people decide, DEMOCRACY in the board Polls 17 years ago
SomGe focker ban me FFS, give me a focking good reason why i shouldn’t come here.
shiWt cunt bollocks m,dnv/ fhgsdvfn/LFMwl
wf -
emmalush replied to the topic Let the people decide, DEMOCRACY in the board Polls 17 years ago
I think this site supports the BNP, why dont they ban me????????
emmalush replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@R.O.T.T wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
ROTT, should the government make society safer for us?
no goverment can cover every eventuality
should the government make society safer for us?
emmalush replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
ROTT, should the government make society safer for us?
emmalush replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@R.O.T.T wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
@R.O.T.T wrote:
would anyone think it wise for a young teenager to walk alone into a town centre
So whilst its not safe, should government make it safe?
your losing it
quote me any time in history it has being safe to walk alone irrespective of gender or age
although a young teenager is more… -
emmalush replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@R.O.T.T wrote:
would anyone think it wise for a young teenager to walk alone into a town centre
So whilst its not safe, should government make it safe?
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@Cymorill wrote:
i also recall having to tell you what paganism was about not so long ago.
You had to tell me :lol: i hope you find your way out your behind.
There is such a thing as live and let live, if you dont like someone’s religious belief tough shit, deal with it.
I AGREE. Is it possible that someone’s belief system, whether god…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@R.O.T.T wrote:
i understand your wrong
part of a night out is getting home
not some obscure point to blame the judiciary forYou’ve just explained why im right, you use extra safety to get home when you shouldn’t have to. And no one said anything about leaving town, or it being at night.
Your ability to understand this subject is too hard for you.
emmalush replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@R.O.T.T wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
@R.O.T.T wrote:
[get a taxi or a bus
Shouldn’t have to, but understanding the point is pointless on you.
who walks home from town after a night out
one step forward three backwards
a wise move would get a taxi and see if martin the muslim will exchange the fare for a BJReality fails you miserably. The POINT is that…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic "i wouldn’t be safe walking into town on my own" in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@R.O.T.T wrote:
[get a taxi or a bus
Shouldn’t have to, but understanding the point is pointless on you.
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@Cymorill wrote:
islam actually uses many references from the bible and jewish texts in the qur’an.
Im not surprised, the bible is the biggest bile of claptrap of all time.
As dawny rightly said, what business is it of yours, what someones religious beliefs are?
ZERO. What business is it of the catholics when it comes to one’s personal bodies in…
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@*Dawny* wrote:
I dont fucking think so you raving loony! you raving lunatic, so fuck off
Why do you have to be so horrible?
Just because I have respect for other people and their beliefs that makes me a bad person?
Of course not. Why do you have respect for those who enjoy cutting a baby’s head several times making it bleed intensely and in…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
Seems like you’re more happy alcohol enduced than me with the misspelling :lol:
Not all politricks is boring, telling Dawny what Islam is about will beneficially educate her, thats fun.
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@prettypink wrote:
DONT LOOK..Dawny!! it`l be gruesome!
And it is, but Dawny thinks islam is good and peacefull because she only see’s the things about it that she would deem normal. She asked me to open my mind, care to practice what you preach and watch the blood running down a baby’s forehead whilst in tears?
Wishing it didn’t exist wont make…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
Why do you have a friend that believes in slitting the throat of innocent sheep and letting them bleed to death in agony? Or the belief ritual of cutting a baby’s head several times.
This is not biggoted views, this is FACT, all im doing is telling you.
Its now upto you to make the next move, do you accept it, or show…[Read more]
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