emmalush replied to the topic The White Season – BBC2 March 7th in the board Getting serious 16 years, 12 months ago
Did you all notice the way in which the BBC gave viewers the impression that scafolder, (who has never voted in his entire life), thought it justifiable to show him saying the BNP thinks like him…..swasticker printed in the middle of his union jack, dear me, how incredibly anti-british that is.
Like you guys i thought it was a rather sad…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic al quaida call british muslims to arms in the board Getting serious 16 years, 12 months ago
@Slayer wrote:
Apart from the historical inaccuracy regarding Hitler
He was responsible for the deaths of 5.8 million.
emmalush replied to the topic The White Season – BBC2 March 7th in the board Getting serious 16 years, 12 months ago
Just about to start on BBC2.
emmalush replied to the topic al quaida call british muslims to arms in the board Getting serious 16 years, 12 months ago
Bass, belief systems (which is what islam is) are used in an interpretation way by those who believe in them, so the answer is yes and no. Yes to the hardliners like the imams you mention, but british society is seen by probably half muslims as worthwhile.
Its like not all those connected to a football club agree with the manager or…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic White liberals are the decent people’s enemy in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
White liberal Margaret (i like putting my foot in it) Splodge will today criticise the Prom concerts as one of many British cultural events that fail to engender new common values or attract more than a narrow unrepresentative audience.
Thats right, this enemy of the decent people thinks the Proms is too white.
In the past, our enemy have given…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Sport relief will destroy earth in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@Slayer wrote:
Nothing we can do will “destroy” Earth…the Earth will always recover- of course humanity may be destroyed
Meanwhile, Emma, you can carry on with your hypocrisy which says that we will do nothing to improve someone elses life
…at the expense of others. I’d rather we get more police on the streets, hospitals to cure our…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Should Harry have to come home??? in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
2 things here.
1. I think those who run the country encouraged Harry to A, be a soilder, and B, fight THIS particular war to get at the muslims.
2. Harry is now a huge target, and parading him coming home will make his life hell, but again, i think the powers that be wouldn’t mind a mad mullah attacking him so they can say we ALL need…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic government to cut benefits to junkies in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
He wont because he cant, its against human rights, which he signed upto, to stop giving benefits.
Its just a headline grabber because alot of people have voiced their concerns.
Was it last week they said people should learn English, again, how they going to stop folk coming here if they cant speak English, its against EU law to stop people…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic This government wana bring us to our knees in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
796,000 Eastern Europeans have applied to work in Britain after their countries joined the European Union, a population more than the size of Leicestershire.
Approximately 300,000 brits leave the UK each year, meaning britain is becoming a foreigners land.
With social cohesion at its worst point, it can only get worse with non brits changing…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Is Leicester the sporting Capital of England? in the board The locker room 17 years ago
@fastcars wrote:
So what did you come 2nd in…. :?:
Working out what matty said above, it was a hard faught contest, im so tired :lol:
emmalush replied to the topic White liberals are the decent people’s enemy in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
@Slayer wrote:
rapists and murderers and those serving more than 4 years dont get out early
So bad people are let out 270 days before half their sentence is up…
emmalush replied to the topic White liberals are the decent people’s enemy in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
Barely a day goes by without one of the decent people’s enemy showing their hatred of us. This time, “Home Secretary” Jacqui Spliff.
On a desperate mission to grab the asian block vote, Jacqui Spliff visited Leicester yesterday and made statements that are so untrue, that it encouraged the decent people to tell her off!
Ms Spliff said,…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Is Leicester the sporting Capital of England? in the board The locker room 17 years ago
@fastcars wrote:
Number of competitive sports played…… Hundereds
Winners from Leicester…… 1
Its not about being the WINNER at a touranament, its about overall success.
I’ll spell it out as i expect another faulty reply.
City X comes second in all ten comps.
City Z win one and finishes last in 9.
City X is the best sporting city.…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic White liberals are the decent people’s enemy in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
The enemy of the decent people has reared its ugly head again today, this time the white “brains” from those who run society.
These white liberals have decided to allow 11,310 (14%) foreign nationals who are serving time for criminal activities on british streets, 270 days earlier than HALF their sentence.
These bad people may have commited…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Is Leicester the sporting Capital of England? in the board The locker room 17 years ago
@fastcars wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
“they don’t appear to ever win anything though”
AHEM, Lestonian Mark Selby has just won the last 2 snooker tournaments…what has another city won?
Every other sporting event apart from the last two snooker tournaments.
You mean, only ONE city won all the other tournaments, how thick you are.
emmalush replied to the topic Is Leicester the sporting Capital of England? in the board The locker room 17 years ago
You mean to say, that in sheepland you dont have the reering champion, talk about letting it slip :wink:
emmalush replied to the topic Is Leicester the sporting Capital of England? in the board The locker room 17 years ago
Coming from someone who resides in the mountain’s of Sheepshire, i fully understand why you say that :wink:
Its beyond you, but i’ll ask again, what other major city or town can compete sportingly with Leicester?
emmalush replied to the topic Is Leicester the sporting Capital of England? in the board The locker room 17 years ago
“they don’t appear to ever win anything though”
AHEM, Lestonian Mark Selby has just won the last 2 snooker tournaments…what has another city won?
emmalush replied to the topic Strange happenings in Bridgend in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
Did it strike anyone else as a tad bizare that the mother of the latest suicide went infront of the mass media asking them not to publicise this any further…?
Why didn’t she just give them a piece of paper explaining her desire, completely off camera and with no quote.
It cynically alarms me the amount of people who strive to be infront of the…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Strange happenings in Bridgend in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
This one is a real mystery Sharon. Its a shame inspector morse died, cos he’d find out, Miss marple has too many walking sticks to get round the hills, and Columbo, well he’s retired :lol:
Seriously though, baffling.
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