emmalush replied to the topic BNP have never had a better opportunity in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@R.O.T.T wrote:
immigration is essential to any economy
So should every native born move abroad :roll:
emmalush replied to the topic If Ireland is so great…. in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
I’ve no time for English, Scottish or Welsh nationalism – from Land’s End to John O’Groats, from St. David’s to Lowestoft, our land is BRITAIN and we should be proud of it. The only sad thing is that Britain should be a republic and not a monarchy!
British Nationalism, British National, British National Party. Our? If…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Vicar attack in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
Just because there was no google link, doesn’t mean they didn’t report it you turd.
emmalush replied to the topic If Ireland is so great…. in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@AbitofMary_J wrote:
and here i thought that we were all British, a Union of one…
Yes im a proud Scot but Emma can you trace your family tree where your family before you went into the world and rape and pilvilged the World…?? as The English does have Very Very DIRTY Hands….!!! eh God u spew sum SHYTE btw, and thats Rich comin fae…
emmalush replied to the topic If Ireland is so great…. in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@JohnBoy25 wrote:
England is the greatest country on earth
If England is so great, then why are there English people living in Spain?
Just wondering how the logic works.
Because they don’t think so, just plain logic that :wink:
emmalush replied to the topic If Ireland is so great…. in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@R.O.T.T wrote:
what a load of sh ite
you generalise on the strength of two pubs who may have a few irish puntersI didn’t generalise, i was specific. Few?
how do you know whos on welfare and who isnt
Because i know an Irish man who told me how much he (on welfare) and his fellow countrymen and women buy pints for a £1 before 4pm, they get a…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic White liberals are the decent people’s enemy in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
Just listening to Lemsip Opik on the James Whale radio show Talksport 1053 – 1089 MW, justifying his MP “job” by explaining how much money he’s helped create through charity.
This is the mentality of a modern day MP. Helping to raise funds is a good thing, but has jack shit to do with his job, and if he had atleast half a brain he would be of the…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic If Ireland is so great…. in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@R.O.T.T wrote:
If there was a yardstick on how an immigrant population should behave in a foreign field
you would find paddy has exceeded that
they dont sponge of the welfare stateGo to the Three Cranes pub in Leicester city centre, there you’ll find a pub load of welfare Irish. Theres another pub on the corner of Dysart way and catherine street…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Nick Griffin & Abu Hamza at the Radio Academy 2002 in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@Slayer wrote:
The SNP and Plaid Cymru embrace all cultures, creeds and races and recognise them as Scottish or Welsh
The BNP (or should that be ENP) only recognise those who are white and English- it may indeed be a nationalistic party but please dont compare them with the Scots n Welsh cos there is no comparison
The snp and plaid recognise the…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Nick Griffin & Abu Hamza at the Radio Academy 2002 in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
I have always had a very strong opinion that Thursdays are always Thursdays, and people are not sufficiently aware of this fact. But I’m denied the right to go on TV to voice my belief. If I demand air time I’m made to feel like I’m mad. Surely this is discrimination.
I know exactly what you mean. If you don’t act like…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Vicar attack in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@Slayer wrote:
Y’see Pete Emma n her ilk would have us all believe her lies about a conspiracy against white people in this country- no too hard to prove her wrong is it?
This could well be a racial attack and if it is the scrotes, if caught, will get much much longer sentences for it
I didn’t say the bbc didn’t report it…
Could well be, this…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Vicar attack in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
If you do a google search of “asian vicar tower hamlets”, no BBC link, only the daily mail and sunday mail.
Its very important to the white liberals that normal white people don’t hear about racist asians beating up a white man, especially a vicar, because that exposes the multicultural experiment to a large amount of people who IF told the…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic White liberals are the decent people’s enemy in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
Im amazed it took this long, but white liberal Lempit Opik MP (the lanky one who’s girlfriend is a cheeky girl) showed over the last few days why he is the enemy of the decent people.
He was on loose women tuesday, and as a “full time” MP, he paraded himself as a celebrity.
Then last night we see him in sport reliefs celebrity Aprentice,…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic al quaida call british muslims to arms in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
In link 1, it doesn’t say how people died. The same in link 2, and it says “In the near two-and-a-half year siege of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) by the German forces, 1 1/2 million Russians alone died from shelling, bombing, disease and starvation”.
Shelling and bombing yes, but disease and starvation, thats not murder. Who knows how many died…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Our EU membership card will cost £6.3 BILLION in 2013 in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@Slayer wrote:
The govt shot themselves in the foot though by not granting a referendum on something (Lisbon Treaty) which is supposedly 96% the same as the EU constitution…of course 4% can make a big difference :D
Exactly. Slavery, do you think that because fascist labour didn’t give us a referendum, that folk will vote for the pro EU…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic Nick Griffin & Abu Hamza at the Radio Academy 2002 in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@Slayer wrote:
Question Time should have every opinion on it…after all they have had George Galloway several times!
Well he is an elected MP, unlike some of the “comedians” and script writers (always lefties) they have on.
The BBC is TOOOOO PC in asking Nick Griffin or Richard Barnbrook (the leader of the opposition in Barking) to take part.
As…[Read more]
emmalush replied to the topic The White Season – BBC2 March 7th in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@Slayer wrote:
Unlike you, I don’t differentiate people by colour, creed, race etc- I treat human beings as humans not pigeon hole them into “he’s Muslim so he’s bad, he’s black so he should be going home etc”
If you’re British, thats enough for me
So you’d rather live with the multiculturalists than those who don’t like it?
emmalush replied to the topic al quaida call british muslims to arms in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
Im not suggesting you’re wrong slavery, but i can’t find what you say.
emmalush replied to the topic The White Season – BBC2 March 7th in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
Slavery, if you had a choice whether to live amongst the white English/british anti-multicultural people who live in britain, or all the others, which would it be?
emmalush replied to the topic The White Season – BBC2 March 7th in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@Slayer wrote:
i work in the NHS, trust me, we have Muslim cleaners, we have Muslims nurses who clean as much sh/it, vomit and pi/ss as the next person
One of slavery’s muslim friends was a “respectable doctor and member of society” that drove his car into an airport with the full intention of murdering Slayer. Bloody shame Slayer wasn’t…[Read more]
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