laine1 replied to the topic What Pissed You Off Today? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
Even i’m having a Grrrrr moment today! which is as rare as rocking horse chit!
what piissed me off?
you really wanna know?being told to shut up in a chatroom when I had said absolutely nothing.
and that recently all I seem to see is chatters wishing each other dead!what is wrong with people???
laine1 replied to the topic IM KINDA in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
i can beat that Arc i’ve seen an instant…. “I’ll leave you to it I’m not responding anymore” someone comments and straight away they’re back . think it must have been all of 5 minutes.
some people can’t help themselves. -
laine1 replied to the topic Three fictional characters in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
Wonder Woman (good ole reliable laine) Will help anyone with anything. used to rescuing people, even from themselves.
Nanny McPhee, when you need me but don’t want me, I will be here, when you want me but don’t need me ill be gone.
Nelly the Elephant I never forget what ive had done to me, I forgive, but never forget
laine1 replied to the topic Nature at its best/worst in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
This is the spider I share my Bathroom with
laine1 replied to the topic Which is the lie in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
Spot on AngelBabe I think yours is the Golf
laine1 replied to the topic Which is the lie in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
I won a gold medal for Argentinian Tango when I was 15
I passed my Masters degree in psychology with honours
I have a huge St Bernard dog who thinks he owns my home -
laine1 replied to the topic Nature at its best/worst in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
Sunrise taken at 0635 this morning in Hampshire
laine1 replied to the topic Why in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
Think I must be a bloke………… I just hang it out, it dries
laine1 started the topic The Egg in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
read this twice, it’ll make you think.
The Egg – WARNING! This Story will BLOW YOUR MIND to a Whole New Level!
laine1 replied to the topic You can only answer Yes or No. in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
Kissed any one of your J C friends?…..YES
Have you had sex with any of your J C friends? ….NO
Kissed someone you didn’t like?….NO
Had a threesome? ….NO
Had sex somewhere you shouldn’t? ….YES
Have you kissed a girl? ….YES
Have you kissed a boy? ….YES
Slept until 5 PM? ….NO
Fallen asleep at work/school?….NO
Been cheated on? ….YES
laine1 replied to the topic THESE THREADS in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
OI i wanna know who i’m shaggin’ thesedays, not been told for ages
laine1 replied to the topic Nature at its best/worst in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
Stunning Photos Ab, x
laine1 replied to the topic Nature at its best/worst in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
Today is my Daughter’s Birthday, so popped round at sunrise with her card (she lives 2 minutes from me) and couldn’t resist taking this photo from outside her home
laine1 replied to the topic Nature at its best/worst in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 5 months ago
Photo taken minutes ago, the view from my patio doors
laine1 replied to the topic East Peasy recipes in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 6 months ago
Moelleaux au Chocolat
100g dark chocolate (ideally about 70% cocoa solids)
75g unsalted butter
50g icing sugar
25g flour
2 eggsPreheat the oven to around 200C. Melt the chocolate and butter in a bain marie.
Mix together the icing sugar and flour in a separate bowl. Then add the eggs and mix well.
Butter two ramekin dishes. When the…[
laine1 replied to the topic and todays lesson is……………. in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 6 months ago
I tend to substitute “World” for the word “God”
laine1 replied to the topic What Pissed You Off Today? in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 6 months ago
I really Daren’t say here, i’m hated enough, but remember, hatred is an emotional disease and I hope they feel much better soon
laine1 replied to the topic East Peasy recipes in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 6 months ago
Apologies to both Cosy and Arc.
I didn’t realise I had spelled EASY wrongly with one hand!
Arc, here’s your next one.Cheesy muffins
2 cups of self raising flour
2 cups of grated cheese
2 cups of milksalt and pepper to season
1 teaspoon of mustard powder or two of pre-made
I teaspoon of cayenne or chilli peppermuffin tray x12…[Read more]
laine1 replied to the topic East Peasy recipes in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 6 months ago
Apologies to both Cosy and Arc.
I didn’t realy I had spelled EASY wrongly with one had!
Arc, here’s your next one.Cheesy muffins
2 cups of self raising flour
2 cups of grated cheese
2 cups of milksalt and pepper to season
1 teaspoon of mustard powder or two of pre-made
I teaspoon of cayenne or chilli peppermuffin tray x12 cup…[Read more]
laine1 replied to the topic WELL MY OH MY in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 6 months ago
Insidiousness is my pet hate, (definition of ; corrupting. artful, cunning, wily, subtle, crafty.)
as well as the fact we Brits “Queue” patiently, since the influx of Europe its become a free-for-all,
My mate in Wimbledon was knocked flying recently, shes 70 years old diabetic partially deaf had a stroke and has cardio vascular disease, she…[Read more] - Load More