laine1 replied to the topic Who has seen in F3 ? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
I know……… I know, i’m gonna get ripped apart for this but, been reading a lot of the boards lately, not commenting on many, but I’ve noticed a regression from Adult to Playground.
It isn’t really attractive to chest beat, posture, try to be alpha on a basically anonymous medium.
Like Arc I have met a few from F3, some nice, some odd, but…[Read more]
laine1 replied to the topic Who has seen in F3 ? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
I know……… I know, i’m gonna get ripped apart for this but, been reading a lot of the boards lately, not commenting on many, but I’ve noticed a regression from Adult to Playground.
It isn’t really attractive to chest beat, posture, try to be alpha on a basically anonymous medium.
Like Arc I have met a few from F3, some nice, some odd, but…[Read more]
laine1 replied to the topic Nature at its best/worst in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
Beautiful Angelbabe, absolutely stunning
laine1 replied to the topic The English Male and Women? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
Blimey and I thought I was suffering with old age memory loss Kenty lol
I told you even before we met in person that I lived with Paul and had no intention of marrying until he asked me as his dying wish, funny what people forget when its convenient isn’t it?
why would I mention my ex? he was rarely home, and its so far in the distant past .…[Read more]
laine1 replied to the topic The English Male and Women? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
So wish you had actually read my post Kenty I said my LATE husband not my ex, and you know full well I was married to him as his last wish before he died of cancer
shock horror I didn’t murder him at all!
laine1 replied to the topic The English Male and Women? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
Sat here chuckling my way through those replies…. omg crying with laughter ya numpties lol love it!
ok traditionalism.
My late husband was around 12 years older than me, so he was “old school” born in 1945. the age where women were allowed to stay home and rear their offspring or “issues” as they were called in a posh way (lol)
not so…[Read more]
laine1 replied to the topic The English Male and Women? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
Sat here chuckling my way through those replies…. omg crying with laughter ya numpties lol love it!
ok traditionalism.
My late husband was around 12 years older than me, so he was “old school” born in 1945. the age where women were allowed to stay home and rear their offspring or “issues” as they were called in a posh way (lol)
not so…[Read more]
laine1 replied to the topic The English Male and Women? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
Scep, no one is given a road map of how a woman’s body works (from a pleasure point of view).
I’ve counselled couples and the woman says “he doesn’t please me” (won’t use the blatant words here). my first question was always. “have you shown him what does”? We’re all responsible for our own bodies, we know how they work, what is nice or not so…[Read more]
laine1 replied to the topic The English Male and Women? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
Hmmm maybe I have (or haven’t evolved) take that either or.
Both my kids are from one man. I’ve never drank so much that “fancy a s*** is the height of eloquence”
I’m not a feminist either, I like to look after a man, as long as I don’t get taken for granted, I’ve never nagged a man, or moaned, I’ve cooked cleaned brought up my children…[Read more]
laine1 replied to the topic Room 3 in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
I’m always in there early, always say Morning All, and get no replies back even though some of the names here are in there, was in for 10 minutes this morning before anyone had the CDF to say morning.
I think some have had enough of the constant abuse.
laine1 replied to the topic Woohoo in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
Cooeee Mal, xx (yep only one on each cheek)………. remember? nice to see you here
laine1 replied to the topic The all new shining what you listening to thread in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 8 years, 4 months ago
laine1 replied to the topic The all new shining what you listening to thread in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 8 years, 4 months ago
did you mean this?
laine1 replied to the topic The all new shining what you listening to thread in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 8 years, 4 months ago
laine1 replied to the topic Why in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
Well I’m 60 next Saturday, am I dreading it? NOPE! I’m looking forward to it and all the naughty freedoms I will have bestowed upon me,
Like speaking my mind instead of biting my tongue when people pish me orf and they’ll just say “its her age”, see youngsters cant get away with that cos its just called bitching!
I will never be OLD! I don’t…[Read more]
laine1 replied to the topic Is society less tolerant? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
Coming from a multi-cultural background, I see Human beings as. just that, human beings, we all have feelings, pride, helplessness (in some ways) hang-ups, baggage, fears etc. it is just sad that some use the internet to take their fears out on others, if the other person doesn’t agree with them or are not like themselves.
I understand that p…[Read more]
laine1 replied to the topic What Pissed You Off Today? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
some can only do personal attack, which is why I rarely post.
laine1 replied to the topic What Pissed You Off Today? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
and of course………….. the world only revolves around the Sun, not a person…….. although I may be wrong
laine1 replied to the topic BEING SHOWN UP in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
Been embarrassed many times over the years, I used to go to a lot of dance classes, and I live in a small peninsular town.
you get to know a lot of people. bit like in a village.
I was walking through the main town on market day one Saturday, when suddenly I heard from behind me “oi Nicearse”………I carried on walking, slightly faster. when…[Read more] -
laine1 replied to the topic Word of the day? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
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