Forum Replies Created
20 November, 2006 at 10:33 am #249966
For the first time ever , I am in agreement with MR B
The guy was speaking sense – girls “grow up ” a lot earlier these days
I wouldn’t move the age of consent etc as it’s there to protect the innocent , unfortunately there are a lot of teenagers below 16 – who aren’t so innocent
I fell more strongly against the laws on buggery which this goverment brought in ; there are a lot more young boys need protecting17 November, 2006 at 12:01 pm #248026PML – i WILL
What planet did you live on owen 3 ft and 3 inches to a Yard ffs
Decimilisation has not worked – we still think in feet and inches MPH MPG Lbs and ounces
10 November, 2006 at 5:04 pm #247946@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
Something in the back of my mind told me that Griffin and Collett might get away with it, but it was still a shock when it happened. I was watching Sky News some days earlier and was hearing how viewers were defending the racist poem from a white power website that the Tory MP had been distributing. It got me thinking that prejudice in our society is pretty bad right now especially among people with right-wing views. So something told me that the BNP might get away with their crimes.
The situation is that Griffin was caught on tape inciting hatred and murder towards muslims in a BNP meeting in Yorkshire. He even told the audience himself that what he was saying could get him 7 years in prison. The defence argued that it was a case of free speech and also a case of religious hatred and not racial hatred. Staggeringly, the jury bought the argument, unanimously.
The argument that what is said to like-minded individuals can’t be considered incitement seems a bit hypocritical when you consider the number of muslims who have been convicted for inciting hatred and murder in meetings with fellow muslims. It shows how screwed up our legal system is and just how rife bigotry in our society is. If it had been a muslim in the dock saying the same things Griffin said but this time about Christians, would he have been acquitted? His ar$e would have been thrown in prison before he could know what hit him.
It’s extremely disappointing to think that neo-nazis have been given a victory particularly because on Sunday we stop to remember those who died to keep nazism out of this country.
The fact that the jury voted unanimously meants they heard more eveidence or points of law than you have Mr B
You had declared them guilty obvioulsy before and during the trialDemocracy rules Mr B – and when it goes against you – you don;t like it
Keep reading your guardian mate
9 November, 2006 at 5:22 pm #246704If you read what I said Robbo – instead of taking a hissy fit – you would see i said that Rossi should be brought back away from the toon
The pressure there is immense 50,000 nutcases at each match – all baying for a win at all costs
Most of them dont watch the game – or they never see the other team or appreciate the other team
Bloody mags !!!!!!!!!!9 November, 2006 at 5:14 pm #243622@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
The purpose of posting part of the article on torture from the Human rights Watch website was to support the opinion that I had already expressed. It backs up everything that I said 100%. It proves that the adoption of torture as routine practice would not be an effective strategy for us.
What a load of bollox Mr B – you read the article first then published enippets of it on here – as if it was your idea
You are incapable of formimg your own opinons – hence the many linksI am not advocating state torture -as the norm – but in times of terrorism – then it has it’s uses
Suppose someone was going to plant a bomb in your local cafe – wher you read your daily Guardian – I bet you wouldnt mind someone being tortured if it saved your life
7 November, 2006 at 10:52 am #244393@tiler wrote:
This is England surely their first language must now be English – if they have moved here permanently
Drivel seems to think that as soon as you set foot in this country that a magical thing occurs, you can speak English without having to learn it.
Grow up sonny, put mind in gear before opening mouth.
You think all ex-pats can speak Spanish, get real.
Tiler you have been in this country 80 odd years and still haven’t got to grips with the language or customs , so I do understand it may be difficult for them at first
Always one to throw up the ex-pats card aren’t we ???
7 November, 2006 at 10:39 am #243615The thing is – unlike MR B and BM – I don;t need to go to a gaggle of links to “French” ffs links or Guardian writers links – I can form my own opinions
I dont paste and copy big words out of articles as you do then think yourself clever .Fascist , commie , etc etc they are just words – they don’t mean anything – or they mean deifferent things to different people
You live in a fantasy world – there will never ever be world peace – because people are so different – there will always be war , killings , muggings rapes etc
I take the view of an eye for an eye
You mamby pamby liberal human rightists think everyone should be wrapped up in cotton wool
There are evil people about – no amount of social workers , liberals , human rights activists will change them
Torture them , flog them , hang them or whatever – the world will be a better place without them !!!7 November, 2006 at 10:30 am #247448Well I was all for the war in Iraq – as you can see from previous threads
However I can see no advantage in having Sadaam killed
He is or was no worse than most other leaders ;
look at all the deaths since he was overthrown – look at the way the tribes are fighting and killing each other – it’s human nature – there will always be killingsI say let him go and take his chance with whichever tribe will have him
7 November, 2006 at 10:27 am #2474477 November, 2006 at 10:16 am #246701pml @ Rossi being better than Walcott
Grow up Robbo – if Man U don’t get him away from Newcastle quickly – he’s going to be as bad as the toon players
He never got a kick against Sheffield Utd – he’s too lightweight to play against these big defenders
Nice to see the toon in relegation land though