@forumhostpb wrote:
I don’t want to get into the whole ”healthy eating” thing here. But it seems to me that if you are living ”below the poverty line” as our Dear Leader soundbites on about, then logically it would be difficult to find enough food to eat at all, much less eat to such excess that you become obese (as defined).
It strikes me that poverty implies starvation / deprivation, not stuffing your face with so much food over a long period of time that you become like a little butterball.
So I revert to my initial point. Do we really need a ”fat Tsar” or is this simply another pointless and costly ‘initiative’ to divert our attention away from the Government’s increasingly lengthy list of incompetencies???
That’s a good point PB When we think about poverty in Victorian times – we think about starving urchins – Oliver Twist types MacDonalds never seemed to have any effect n them then .
Perhaps a good idea would be to do “Exchange trips ” with say Rwanda – or some impoverished state with starving kids Round up all our fatties – and bus them off there for 6 months – the starving kids can live here for the same 6 months and get some grub down ther necks
Good for foreign relationships too