Forum Replies Created
20 September, 2007 at 11:36 am #287021
@fastcars wrote:
@anita Gofradump wrote:
2hrs 9mins video, have u lost your mind lol.
You wouldnt expect somebody who types so much long winded cr*ap to post a “short” video do you?
That’s true fast
Spoils all the threads as far as I am concerned – you’d think he’d be able to dilute the cr*ap to some sort of more manageable diarrhoea !!!!
18 September, 2007 at 12:25 pm #287016@ubermik wrote:
@drivel wrote:
@johnboy25 wrote:
Just out of curiosity Drivel – what theories are there behind 11/11?
I was trying to add a spice of humour to a topic that has gone well OTT in here – but the fact remains that most of the hysterical anti_McCanns are the same people who hold the ridculous conspiracy theories – says something about the kind of folks they are !!!!
Open minded ones with the ability to think freely is a good description with many of the rather ludicrous cover stories the majority of people brainwashed into swallowing without question
If something cant stand up to scrutiny it doesnt deserve to be regarded as believable, and when the powers that be discourage something being questioned that alone is more than enough reason to question it meticulously
And when the weight of respected scientific opinion at least equals or outstrips the “accepted” explaination it becomes a combination of naiveity, stupidity and fear not to question things
And all the unbelievable conspiracy theories ??? created by whackos !!!!!
it’s mind numbing Uber – surely you have more intelligence than that18 September, 2007 at 11:39 am #287014@johnboy25 wrote:
Just out of curiosity Drivel – what theories are there behind 11/11?
I was trying to add a spice of humour to a topic that has gone well OTT in here – but the fact remains that most of the hysterical anti_McCanns are the same people who hold the ridculous conspiracy theories – says something about the kind of folks they are !!!!
18 September, 2007 at 11:29 am #287875@slayer wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
OMG lol
Lobotomised retards must look down on you then if you think thats “looking down” on someone :lol: :lol: :lol:
Since when has a statement of fact been either negative or positive? And even more intriguingly when as I DID point out, when its actually stated by the person themselves to begin with
You will struggle to find a single “success” who hasnt failed repeatedly on their way to that success, its part of the process majoratively. a process most people wimp out of after a few failures hence why only a very small percentage of people ever attain any degree of massive accomplishment
Wanting to feel as tho you have a reason to be able to “look down” on people seems more up your alley really ROTT, but no matter how much you might try to dim someone elses light it doesnt make yours shine any brighter, it just feels like it does for a short time
Err- no most people wouldnt struggle to find success stories (Bill Gates came immediately to mind).
It is exceptionally generic not to say naive to suggest most millionaires have failed their way to the top- if it was that easy, most of us would have loadsa money, right? Wrong? Learning from failure and applying that knowledge to prevent future mistakes I can accept, but simply failing consistently as if blindly blundering around directionless will no more make you a millionaire than the lotto.
Of course money doesnt make you “right” in what you do, think, say or act…money, in a business world, simply states you have succeeded in what you strove to achieve and gives you no more a right to hold a specific view than anyone else
And you’re statement was not “fact”, part of it at least, was a subjective opinion which is not “fact” but merely your view
Whether Branson gives some of his money to some fund for the Mccanns is up to him- afterall, if the premise “innocent until proven guilty” is an accepted underpinning principle of British justice then the Mcanns, as yet, havent been even charged let alone found gulity of anything- its his money!
18 September, 2007 at 11:26 am #287832I don’t think all gays are born gay – infact i think most are not – but they just jump on the bandwagon – or nearest available bottom as they think it is the in thing to do
Gay used to mean happy – not it means “todger dodger” for women or “vagina decliner” for blokes
Still whatever floats ya boat – long as they dont interfere with me and mine
Thing is tho – gays think they have a god given right to impose their ways on “normal society ” It was better when they stayed in the closet
As Uber mentioned previously (this is the first tim I have agreed with Uber – he who knows everything – font of all knowledge ) – they aren’t normal – they can’t reproduce doing what they do – civilisation would die out if we were all bleedin pooftas
The worst thing this government did – and it’s done a lot of bad things – was to lower the age of consent for homosexuals – its a paedophiles charter – they are condoning buggery – makes you wanna chuck
13 September, 2007 at 11:43 am #286919BAT UBERMIK PB AND THE REST OF THE USUAL SUSPECTS – condeming , villifying the Mcanns are exactly the same sort of idiots who come up with conspiracy theories for 11 / 11 7 / 7 etc
It’s a sick attitude – but unfortunately its inherent in our society todayFast cars , BM and Essie and 1 or 2 others aside , I think the rest of you are going to Hell in a Handcart , eating copious amounts of Humble Pie
3 September, 2007 at 3:15 pm #282832@bassingbourne55 wrote:
I was born BRITISH, I always think of myself as BRITISH.
Their efforts would be much better spent on positive things like campaigning to get rid of the monarchy, join the Euro and play a full part in the EU.
The vast majority of Britains don’t want a United States of Europe – we don’t want to adopt a common currency
Bring on the referendum – but as you know – it won’t happen
3 September, 2007 at 2:50 pm #284318@sweetass wrote:
@drivel wrote:
Thank you fatass for your personally slanted reply
I’m sure your kids would learn a lot more about life and respect if YOU were there to show them
Forget about the possession culture – be with your family as much as you can
They soon leave you !!
Fatass :?: :?: Is that seriously the best you could come up with :?: :roll: I am a working parent and proud .. my children do not walk the streets and commit crimes, neither are they ‘latchkey kids’ who wait around til all hours for me to return with a bag of chips and a can of coke for their tea. The majority of my working day fits around theirs and I am happy that they are well adjusted and know the value of their pocket money. Thye also know the meaning of the word manners and are more than happy to help a pensioner across the bypass or carry somebodys shopping if they need the help.. :wink:
You on the other hand appear to be a true follower of single parents having the right to sit on their ar5es, drinking coffee and smoking tabs, whilst their children ( little angels that they are ) run riot terrorising the neighbours and vandalising ‘cos they’re bored’ and mummy has no spare money ( after she’s bought her weekly burberry outfit) and her supply of fags and booze.. not all single parents are bad parents.. nor are all muslims terrorists.. Yet again you have displayed your true ignorance of society and it’s needs .. YOU would be the first to jump on the bandwagon if it was decided that more of your taxes were going to be increased to help the poor single parent family. I work because the Social Security system wasn’t invented to allow fit and able bodied people to screw the state for every penny ‘they’ think they have the right to … If I can’t be bothered to get off my fatass to give back to the country .. what on earth gives me the right to take out of it :?:
If you read through my previous posts, you will see that MY opinion is the same no matter if your black, white, yellow or bloody polish… I earn money, my kids earn their money and I will therefore have the right to take money back when I hit pensioner status… You on the other hand appear to spend your life taking and spout mindless badly thought out ‘political and socioeconomical’ opinions:roll: You need to stop readin the trashy news rag and upgrade to the daily sport :wink: :wink: :roll:
Besides that .. your kids never really leave you .. if you’re anything of a parent you encourage them to fly the nest and make a good life for themselves…your kids will always be your kids… unless your a shyte parent who’s talking from personal experience :?: :? :? :shock:
Hit a nerve – Did I ???
I’m merely pointing out the fact that society has degenerated with the lack of family values
The country has been run for too long by “left wing” nobs and Guardian readers .
I admire your stance about working – but there’s more to life than money and fashionable possesions
If you think you are going to have a decent pension from this Government – then think again !!!30 August, 2007 at 11:33 am #284308Thank you fatass for your personally slanted reply
I’m sure your kids would learn a lot more about life and respect if YOU were there to show them
Forget about the possession culture – be with your family as much as you can
They soon leave you !!
28 August, 2007 at 11:08 am #284294Why all this talk of Equality – I can’t understand it
Women and Men are totally different – men have dangly bits and women have a sort of badly packed kebab
Women bear children – it should be in their genes to love protect and look after those children especially in their early development – instead a lot of them go straight back to work for selfish reasons
this to me is one of the main reasons the country is in the state it is
Too much greed , envy and lack of respect -