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  • #243133

    @Mr Bigstuff wrote:

    WTF does asylum have to do with a tourist getting robbed in Leicester Sq. What kind of imbecile are you? Do you think translators and interpreters exist only to work with asylum seekers? One way in which they are used is to assist the police with people who don’t speak English. People with specialist skills who do a specialist job earn more money than the average person. Asylum or no asylum they would still charge the same fee for their services. Do you think they charge more for interpreting the words of asylum seekers than they do for interpreting the words of, let’s say, a foreign nun who got knocked down in a hit and run?

    As for Geoff’s comment that people should be fluent in a language before they travel to a country. How many British tourists could deal with foreign police without an interpreter? How many languages do you speak Geoff? If you can only speak English then I assume you have never left the UK seeing as you’re so opposed to people travelling to foreign countries without learning the language.

    She’s not on about people travelling – Emma is on about people coming over here to sponge off the state – how do they expect to get a job if they don’t speak the language Yet we go out of our way providing interpreters at up to £66 an hour – it’s crazy – I agree with everything Emma and Geoff have said on this thread
    The next step is putting them up in 4 or 5 star hotels until we can find some rent free accomodation for them and that happens too frequently
    we are a soft touch !!!


    @tiler wrote:


    You quote a Polish plumber near your village – but for every 1 polish plumber there will be 100 screwing the system

    And 90 of them will be British scroungers, they see the Brits do it, why shouldn’t they.

    I dont think the majority want to succeed over here , they want to make some money (nothing wrong with that) then go back to their homelands – we are generally being used as a meal ticket

    Thats a bit Irish, how do you make money if you don’t succeed, and what about Brits who used this country as a meal ticket then went to spend it abroad,

    It’s not for us to look after every other countries problems – we are a small island – there are enough people here as it is – we don’t need to open our borders and welcome every tom Richard and Hari Krishna

    Sorry Drivel your a dinosaur with thinking like that, the world is shrinking, populations are more mobile, isolationism is a thing of the past, you say we don’t need them, take a look at the NHS as one example, without them we couldn’t cope, they are a large part of our lives, in public services alone. thousands of businesses are run by them, this country’s multiculturism has been there since the end of WW2, as long as we are in the EU it will increase, and all the ranting about traditions and learning the language, will be seen as foolish and out of date.
    We are a multiracial country, fact, it won’t change no matter what morons like Tommy preach, its his kind that will die out. they will be the outcasts, swimming against the tide.

    FFS Tiler get a grip man

    Isolationism – ffs populations more mobile – what’s that got to do with anything

    We are a small island – there are enough people here

    Of course the NHS can manage without them – before we employ any foreign doctors we should make suer they can speak English first !!!

    Same goes for all those immigrants we have working at call centres

    We do get irritated with Brit spongers too – look how many of them are now walking about with walking sticks – fair enough that should be sorted – thats not to say that we shoudl invite immigrants to do the same

    This is a predominantly Christian country – anyone coming over here should appreciate that
    Anyone ever here dissin our flag , Queen and country should be should be deported – before you as where – anywhere – stick them in the middle of the Gaza strip
    Anyone encouraging terrorism should be handed over to the Americans for a bit of friendly torture
    This is Great Britain – fools like you are are making it look more like Little Britain every day !!!


    @slayer wrote:

    @drivel wrote:

    @drivel wrote:

    We are a soft touch for any national that wants free handouts
    How many illegals do you think there are in this country now – How many new mafia type gangs of Eastern Europeans , Yardies , Triads

    Then catch em, lock em up n then throw them out (after you’ve stripped every asset they ever had here and abroad)- but thats nothing to do with my Polish plumber who came out on Bank Holiday Monday to my leaking boiler (and guess what, every English plumber I rang laughed in my face- “didn’t I know it was Bank Holiday”) at 20 minutes notice- blame the EU for our open borders which have let Eastern European crime gangs in, blame the government for failing to have adequate security in place, but don’t tarr them all with the same brush- for every one immigrant intent on crime, there are a hundred who genuinely want to succeed over here

    I am not tarrring anyone with any brush Slayer

    You can’t deny we are a Soft touch – and it gets under a lot of peoples skins – no matter what colour
    You quote a Polish plumber near your village – but for every 1 polish plumber there will be 100 screwing the system
    I dont htink the majority want to succeed over here , they want to make some money (nothing wrong with that) then go back to their homelands – we are generally being used as a meal ticket
    It’s not for us to look after every other countries problems – we are a small island – there are enough people here as it is – we don’t need to open our borders and welcome every tom dick and Hari Krishna


    @tiler wrote:

    Vote for the death penalty for racists, a bullet for Tommy. All white supremacists to hang.

    You really don’t have a clue do you Tiler

    You sit there in the luxury of your armchair thinking all is rosy in this “multicultural” Britain as you see it
    This isn’t about white supremacy – it’s about customs , heritage , Land of Hope and Glory etc etc
    If you come to live in this country , accept it’s customs , learn it’s language obey the law – that’s all anyone can ask
    We are a soft touch for any national that wants free handouts
    How many illegals do you think there are in this country now – How many new mafia type gangs of Eastern Europeans , Yardies , Triads
    How many eastern European professional shoplifters , thieves and scumbags are enjoying a free ride in this country – whilst the likes of you call the workers and true Brits – racists

    People like you with your condescending attitudes boil my water , Tiler


    @Bad Manners wrote:

    :lol: @drivel‘s Catchphrase “If you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about”.
    Just because someone hasnt done anything wrong, dosent mean they dont wanna keep their Democratic right to Privacy. Your catchphrase is wheeled out by people when ever Draconian privacy violation’s occur.
    As has been pointed out by a few people citing a few examples, for this sort of Database to work a lot of safeguards would have to be put in place.

    Of course there would have to be safeguards , but I am pleased you are coming around to the fact that it could be a workable idea


    @Bad Manners wrote:

    As far as I know in the UK Drivel there’ something called “Probable Cause”.
    Maybe there isnt a need for Probable cause in the Quasi Nazi State that you fantasise about.

    I can assure you any fantasies I have are nothing to do with Nazis – although Helga on Ello Ello does figrein a few of them !!!

    Probable Cause has nothing at all to do with what I am advocating

    A NAtional database of DNA will clear suspects rather than frame them

    Probable cause is a vague area anyway – its somewhere between “more probable than not” and substantially possible – its gobblygook

    If you are in the criminal fraternity then the police will always have probable cause for searches etc – and obviously those people will be the last ones to want to giveDNA

    If you have nothing to hide then there is nothing to worry about


    @tiler wrote:

    I simply love my country!

    If you did, you wouldn’t be spouting your racist garbage, to create social unrest,

    Have you ever thought how many different races, religions are part of this country’s population, the Muslims are just one of those, grow up, stop acting like moron,

    Why not attack the Jews, Israelis are a set of murdering terrorists, there are plenty of supporters of their terrorism, are you sure they don’t want to take over the country,

    How can multiculturism work if idiots like you spout they’re garbage. its your kind that needs kicking out of the country.

    Because his views , Tinker are the views of the silent majority in this country who have been downtrodden with threats of being labelled racist or whatever
    Its ridiculous to even think of allowing immigrants here who cant speak and have no intention of learning this country’s language

    To be allowed into this country everyone should be made to pay allegiance to the flag of this country – that should stretch to anti British bigots like yourself too Tinker , they shoudl be able to speak the language and agree to adhere to our rules and traditions and culture
    If jews get upset by an old English lady having a det of China pigs on her window ledge – then they should eb told where to go , likewise those that object to the smell of bacon emitting from cafes etc – if they dont like it they know where to go
    If its a rule to wear a crash helmet on a mototrcycle then you shoudl not be exempt because you wear a turban – take the bloody thing off if you want to ride a motorbike – or buy a car


    @tommy wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    So you agree that no street name should be spelt in any other language than English?

    I agree with you on that one.

    This is England.

    Our language is English.

    We shouldn’t be a bi-lingual society. The English speak English. That’s the way it should be.

    My English is just fine, thank you, Big.

    If people come here to live then they should adopt our customs.

    When in Rome do as the Romans do.

    That’s the way it’s always been, that’s the way it always should be.

    If they don’t like it, they can f*ck off back to which ever sh*t country they came here from.

    We have had this topic before – I must say I agree with exactly what Thomas has said there – no doubt we will be labelled racist for it too !!!


    @becky wrote:

    @drivel wrote:

    @becky wrote:

    @token_male wrote:

    i think as for the dating of them and taking them out to places to see films and stuff is a bit weird in my opinion

    but as for the having sex with them i see no difference than a woman who uses a dildo or vibrator to satisfy herself

    Agreed but with a vibe they dont have faces or lips or hair etc. The male vibe is just a hole with a “catch box” attatched to the back. So a little different as a body is attatched but again each to their own i wont judge not my place. If they are happy and enjoy it then fair enough :D

    They aren’t real bodies Becky – just plastic or rubber

    REALLY?!?!?!?! I think you knew my point but argue with me for the sake of it :roll:

    NO serioulsy becky I think you’re thick – was just making some points that may have slipped your tiny attention span


    @Bad Manners wrote:

    I was actually gonna mention that kind of thing Sharon. What if someone spits somewhere, and that place later becomes a crime scene.

    FFS what a load of shyte – its obviously taken along with other evidence – if everyone was as pernickerty as you 2 – we would never advance

    jeex i cannot believe some people !!!!!!!!!!

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