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  • #244934

    I say good luck to her and the kid too
    If she wants to donate money to orphanages over there to help her adopt – then surely its good for everyone concerned
    I wish she would bloody adopt me


    Yoou don’t need me to make you look silly Robbo – you do that yourself by posting rubbish
    I never said Tevez was going to be the best player in the world – I said he looked good in the World Cup
    The 2 Argies have been a disaster for WHU – not blaming them – but the circumstances surrounding takeover bids etc etc – the players who did so well for them last year must have lost all hope !!

    I’m still right about Martins though – the only goals he scored was in Europe prelims – against a side that would fare badly in the Conference
    He’s fast – I’ll give you that – never seen anyone run as fast down the tunnel when he has been taken off
    What with Martins and Luque – 20 million – unbelievable waste of money

    What an amazing half time talk Roeder must have given the players on Sunday for them to come out and perform like that in the 2nd half !!!


    @esmeralda wrote:

    ‘Know thine enemy’….and on that basis I WANT to read the neo-nazi propaganda. I think it’s marvellous of Emma to provide us with an insight into the workings of the BNP machinery. If her dogmatic persistence is outrun only by her periphrasis…..then her very constancy is at least worthy of approbation..however misguided..however deluded…we may perceive it to be. Emma’s threads afterall..far from being vox populi..are vox et praeterea. So let her be.

    That’s more or less what I said – only mine was in understandable English !!!

    It’s difficult to get people to start interesting threads on Boards – Emma threads usually attract a lot of interest

    Take her threads of this Current Affairs Board and it would be very sparse indeed
    All you lot gobbing off – should start your own threads then !!!


    @Mr Bigstuff wrote:

    White people come here who don’t speak English well either. I remember when I was in school there were a few Iberian kids who barely spoke any English. It wasn’t a problem for us though because it was a Christian school and it didn’t suffer from the sort of ignorant prejudices that exist among adults in our society.

    Drivel doesn’t realize that it takes time to master a new language. He’s probably one of those people who would struggle to order a cup of tea if he went abroad yet he gets all high and mighty about people coming here who aren’t fluent in English.

    Don’t judge me Bigstuff – I am not excluding any colours – I never mentioned colours – I said all people coming to live here shoudl learn the language
    How the hell can we teach people of they cant speak ENGLISH ffs
    As for mastering languages Bigmouth – I can speak both French and Russian as well as my native English – you try learning Russian sometime
    My remarks are not racist at all – the only racism is coming from the likes of Tiler – who seems to depise this country and it’s Government – yet is quite happy to take all the handouts too !!


    I know society in general is much more “relaxed” now than when we were kids – there is not half the respect about , that there used to be .
    We were told always to be respectful to our elders , take your hat , cap off etc when indoors , speak when spoken to etc etc
    It’s gone too far the other way now – I find in my opinion that the wearing of veils indoors and in situations like addresssing other people – to be disrespectful
    I watched the hald hour report last night on ITV at 8 pm – showing the teaching assistant who had been dismissed for wearing a veil in class – she seemed to me to have a huge attitude problem – she was doing it to try and prove a point
    It was well spooky too – seeing only her eyes as she was talking – there’s something not right about that – it’s religion going to far
    As far as I am concerned religion should never overrule the rules of the land



    I told you at the start of the season – Martins is no bloody use at all – having seen him play 5 times – he is even worse than I first thought

    Do you have the slightest knowledge at all of what it takes to be a footballer Robbo ???


    @Mr Bigstuff wrote:

    @bob2go wrote:

    Emmalush, I look at all the new topics and see they are nearly all started by you and they are nearly all complete garbage. Your domination of these message boards is embarrassing. Nobody ever agrees with you but you don’t shut up. You are a fuc/king moron.


    That’s a totally unfair and unacceptable critiscism of Emma
    Critiscise her opinions by all means – but she should be praised for the amount of topics she starts and contributes to


    @tiler wrote:

    When you join a class, you do so to learn, not hold a general discussion with all and sundry, a case of sour grapes I think. after all one did speak English and offered to “discuss”, maybe it was beneath her to talk to these “foreigners”.

    If they are in this country – then they should bloody well speak English
    No wonder the education system is going to the dogs – haveing to pander to all the bloody minorities – ffs
    We are all going to hell in a handcart


    @Mr Bigstuff wrote:

    It’s an issue of religious freedom. This country has had a long history of religious intolerance, so the last thing we need is the state telling people what aspects of their religion they should be able to carry out.

    As for the bus-pass issue I don’t think it’s important unless you’re getting loads of people wearing full veils. If you only get one person like that then you might as well not trouble yourself over it. I would just let them on rather than being pedantic. The only time when you should insist about seeing their face should be when you’re checking their passport or something important like that.

    it’s not an issue of religious freedom at all – it’s as Ruby pointed out – when in Rome !!
    What are they hiding behind their veils ???
    If a drive has to verify a us pass by seeing the face then so he must – there’s no excuse – he should have kicked her off the bus
    Anyone who want to use veils etc as an excuse to not abide by the laws of this country , then they should pop over to a country where they can wear them to their life’s content – and bloody stop over there !!!


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @drivel wrote:

    The next step is putting them up in 4 or 5 star hotels until we can find some rent free accomodation for them and that happens too frequently
    we are a soft touch !!!

    ….and what may I ask is the problem with that??? The poor buggers have to live somewhere. We ought not to be putting them up in some third rate rat infested doss house, what would that say about British hospitality???

    No, they should be given accomodation that is the equal of the living standards they enjoyed in their country of origin ….. and a 4 or 5 star UK hotel should just about be that standard.

    Oh, and they wouldn’t need interpreters as most hotel staff originate from third world countries and could therefore speak the language of the asylum seekers.

    Sorry PB you’re right of course – where’s my sense of British hospitality – my apologies to any immigrants reading

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