• The one thing you can DEFINITELY say is that any murderer , rapist , etc that is hung – WONT do it again

  • The Circus is back in town
    Kevin Keegan is a Clown
    Robbo is a clown too – he knows nowt about football – but will give you a huge list of foreign mercenaries who he thinks are great players – this includes Martins (cant trap a bag of cement ) and Rossi – wherever he is now (cant get a game in the Premiership)

    Why do Newcastle and their fans think…[Read more]

  • Drivel replied to the topic Police Mistakes in the board Getting serious 17 years ago

    As far as I am concerned the police are trained to do their jobs to protect the public
    If they shot this guy thinking he was a terorist or bomber or whatever – that’s fair enough for me
    As it was he was here illegally which probably made him run , look suspicious or whatever .

  • I think – all he is trying to point out – and he is quite correct : is that the breakdown of the family unit has lead to the mess that today’s society is in

    Well said – although the people with the loudest voices – the gay rights / equal rights / human rights etc etc will diss his comments – whilst the silent majority probably agree with him

  • @Bassingbourne55 wrote:

    Sounds like he should be made persona non grata in the comedy world alongside the late Bernard Manning, Jim Davidson and Billy Connolly (after his sick joke about murdered hostage Ken Bigley)

    The best one I have heard on a similar vein

    Was Roy CHubby Brown – in Bedlington – ( N East near Newcastle) – it’s a rough place…[Read more]

  • @ubermik wrote:

    @Drivel wrote:

    At what point do you think Witchfinder Ubermik and his able assistant Witchfinderess Bat will concede ???

    Perhaps when the real culprit has been hung , drawn and quartered – probably not though

    makes you a bit ashamed to be British – what with Innocent until proved Guilty and all that – seems to have fallen by the…

    [Read more]

  • I have to agree with Fats on this one

    How dare any parents let their kids go out to play !!

    If they are allowed out then make sure they are wearing gas masks , bullet proof vests and protective clothing .
    Tag them , and if possible attach cameras and recording equipment to them

    FFS Kids will be kids – they have accidents – they learn – it’s…[Read more]

  • Liverpool are not so top now !!!!

    What’s happened to them – ????

  • @ubermik wrote:

    @Drivel wrote:

    @fastcars wrote:

    @Anita Gofradump wrote:

    2hrs 9mins video, have u lost your mind lol.

    You wouldnt expect somebody who types so much long winded cr*ap to post a “short” video do you?

    That’s true fast

    Spoils all the threads as far as I am concerned – you’d think he’d be able to dilute the cr*ap to some sort of more…

    [Read more]

  • At what point do you think Witchfinder Ubermik and his able assistant Witchfinderess Bat will concede ???

    Perhaps when the real culprit has been hung , drawn and quartered – probably not though

    makes you a bit ashamed to be British – what with Innocent until proved Guilty and all that – seems to have fallen by the wayside

  • @fastcars wrote:

    @Anita Gofradump wrote:

    2hrs 9mins video, have u lost your mind lol.

    You wouldnt expect somebody who types so much long winded cr*ap to post a “short” video do you?

    That’s true fast

    Spoils all the threads as far as I am concerned – you’d think he’d be able to dilute the cr*ap to some sort of more manageable diarrhoea !!!!

  • @ubermik wrote:

    @Drivel wrote:

    @JohnBoy25 wrote:

    Just out of curiosity Drivel – what theories are there behind 11/11?

    I was trying to add a spice of humour to a topic that has gone well OTT in here – but the fact remains that most of the hysterical anti_McCanns are the same people who hold the ridculous conspiracy theories – says something about the…

    [Read more]

  • @JohnBoy25 wrote:

    Just out of curiosity Drivel – what theories are there behind 11/11?

    I was trying to add a spice of humour to a topic that has gone well OTT in here – but the fact remains that most of the hysterical anti_McCanns are the same people who hold the ridculous conspiracy theories – says something about the kind of folks they are !!!!

  • @Slayer wrote:

    @ubermik wrote:

    OMG lol

    Lobotomised retards must look down on you then if you think thats “looking down” on someone :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Since when has a statement of fact been either negative or positive? And even more intriguingly when as I DID point out, when its actually stated by the person themselves to begin with

    You will…

    [Read more]

  • I don’t think all gays are born gay – infact i think most are not – but they just jump on the bandwagon – or nearest available bottom as they think it is the in thing to do

    Gay used to mean happy – not it means “todger dodger” for women or “vagina decliner” for blokes

    Still whatever floats ya boat – long as they dont interfere with me and…[Read more]

  • BAT UBERMIK PB AND THE REST OF THE USUAL SUSPECTS – condeming , villifying the Mcanns are exactly the same sort of idiots who come up with conspiracy theories for 11 / 11 7 / 7 etc
    It’s a sick attitude – but unfortunately its inherent in our society today

    Fast cars , BM and Essie and 1 or 2 others aside , I think the rest of you are going to…[Read more]

  • @Bassingbourne55 wrote:

    I was born BRITISH, I always think of myself as BRITISH.

    Their efforts would be much better spent on positive things like campaigning to get rid of the monarchy, join the Euro and play a full part in the EU.

    The vast majority of Britains don’t want a United States of Europe – we don’t want to adopt a common currency

    Bring…[Read more]

  • @sweetass wrote:

    @Drivel wrote:

    Thank you fatass for your personally slanted reply

    I’m sure your kids would learn a lot more about life and respect if YOU were there to show them

    Forget about the possession culture – be with your family as much as you can

    They soon leave you !!

    Fatass :?: :?: Is that seriously the best you could come up…

    [Read more]

  • Thank you fatass for your personally slanted reply

    I’m sure your kids would learn a lot more about life and respect if YOU were there to show them

    Forget about the possession culture – be with your family as much as you can

    They soon leave you !!

  • Why all this talk of Equality – I can’t understand it

    Women and Men are totally different – men have dangly bits and women have a sort of badly packed kebab

    Women bear children – it should be in their genes to love protect and look after those children especially in their early development – instead a lot of them go straight back to work for…[Read more]

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