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    Sort of. Neither of those candidates will be on the ballot in all 50 states come election day.

    I didn’t know that, that is kind of weird. What is the justification for not listing them?


    what I don’t understand a country of about 250 million ppl
    how come theres only 2 candidates?

    An excellent point. :yes:

    There are four, including Garry Johnson, and Jill Stein


    On fire ?

    That’s pretty hot by my standards.


    They are both awful candidates, both dishonest in their own way.

    Yes, they are both entirely unsuitable to be president.

    They are both awful candidates, both dishonest in their own way.

    But Trump is off the wall. He reminds me too much of Mussolini, the strong man who will get things sorted by a strong arm. Dirty Harry arrives at the White House – Make My Day, Punks, his finger on the nuclear button

    In business he’s a serial defaulter; a peddler of falsehoods, wild accusations, conspiracy theories. He utters racist insults, and attacks the independence of the judiciary. He refuses to reveal his taxes. undermines confidence in the world trade order by threatening to tear up past agreements. He supports torture and the deliberate killing of the families of alleged terrorists. He admires the ex-KGB man who now runs Russia.

    In regards to his business management, I dont think a handful of bankruptsies across the hundreds of business he is involved with is actually that bada record personally. He does say a lot of stupid things, but i’ve never seen him say somthing that I would consider to be racist. I agree that he should release his tax records, but exchanging his taxes for Clinton’s emails (as he said in the debate) would be acceptable to me. He doesn’t seem to respect due process, but Clinton doesn’t either.

    The fact that he stands on the verge of being elected says volumes about the alienation of voters in the US today – and in the West in general. Farage’s support for Trump should be a warning to the messianic appeal he exerts over a minority of voters in the UK

    How drac can say Obama is worse than Bush is beyond me. On one side, she claims that Clinton would involve the US in Syria and other military adventures – and she’s right – and on the other hand she says Bush is the better president – the Bonanza TV-loving man who plunged the US into the most irresponsible and bloody military adventurism that we have known for a long time.

    Voters feel alienated because of Obama, this is the point I was trying to make. Bush made a lot of mistakes, but I don’t think he divided the country as much as Obama has. Obama wasn’t in any hurry to leave Iraq or Afganistan, he made repeated delays to Bush’s timetable which I had already mentioned.

    Both are bad – I would prefer Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts senator described by Trump as ‘Pocahontas’ lol – you have to admire his insults, did he visit JC?) But given this awful choice, Clinton has to be the one.

    I honestly don’t know anything about Elizabeth Warren. But I disagree with you that Clinton is a better choice.


    I don’t usually watch films very much. I haven’t heard of this one but I might consider watching it if it is on Netflix, i’ll check later.


    I would rather vote for Trump if I had to personally.

    Must….. resist……

    Don’t resist it, give in to the deplorable side…

    And yes, I know that Trump is a pretty aweful candidate. However not all of his policies are bad, and I don’t think he will be able to implement most of the worst ones.


    Out of the 2 would rather have Hils to be honest ….. Trump is dangerous

    Clinton is far, far more dangerous than Trump. Her policy towards the situation in Syria would likey result in military conflicts with Russia. Not to mention her domestic policies towards crime in minority groups and immigration.

    how the hell can you take a bloke that wears such a bad hair piece seriously !!!

    I don’t really see why hairstyle is an important quality in a leader.

    Shame Obama cant stay …. best president for many a year IMHO.

    Obama has been a pretty terrible president by most measures, probably even moreso than Bush in my opinion. The most obvious example I can think of is the huge damage to racial relations in America during the last 8 years. Another would be perhaps failing to withdraw troops from Iraq and Afganistan on Bush’s timetable.

    Interesting times ahead.

    Whichever candidate wins, I agree on this point.


    Draculina you hot ?

    Depends on your definition of hot, it’s very subjective.




    I would rather vote for Trump if I had to personally.

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