sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
p.s. on the off-chance that anybody may try to troll my comment,
Ms K, I meant that it was the first political post in some time, not the first serious post.
You did post in the menopause thread, one of several interesting posts on that thread.
It is something you know a lot about, of course, and even then it was your first serious post on…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I have to venture my toe in the water, very conscious of being misunderstood again, and of being plumb wrong. But I have a question which I hope against hope will be answered without leaving me any doubt.
As I’m going to express concern about badders aka Bessie Bullshyte, let me say
let me say that she was a monster here, especially in her…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic MARTY………….. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I was demonstrating on behalf of thin yesterday.
He must be able to live in the EU with the same rights as other EU citizens God save the Bloody Queen
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Kenty, are you real? I mean, are you seriously real???
I was trying to talk like LD and other jc divines. I really can’t fit in though, can I?
Seriously, it’s good to see you posting on a serious issue.It’s a long time since you’ve done it.
When you did post (how many years ago now) you always claimed that you were a thicko, that you…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
yer, right.
More jc hypocrisy, doubtless to be followed by reams of more village idiot style questions and accusations.
Now what was I saying about baying for blood?? Oh, yes, no blood involved, and no expulsion from jc at all.
Starting to remind me of the shyte machine that went into overdrive during the referendum campaign.
But surely it…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Typical jc hypocrisy of the worst sort.
Still, I can certainly agree to the following if you stick to it.
My experience of many in jc over the years is that this is a prelude to further slanders, especially given the loaded nature even of the last sentence.
But with hope against experience, I’ll certainly not mention you in any posts if you…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
It’s been a real eye-opener, this whole Brexit saga, and it won’t finish on the 31st October, especially if there is no deal.
A small cabal of right-wingers looking to get rich have been able to fool a large number of people worried by change into making themselves poorer and becoming an American protectorate. Not even the 51st state, because…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Sorry, milky,
I’ve been on the boards longer than anyone else here now.
I’ve seen the way that people like you and mooosey operate to drive people out. It’s teh jc way. It’s driven good people and nasty people out.
I leave when i want to leave. I won’t announce it. I’ll go.
I’m sure that people like you will be overjoyed, but that’s not why…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
no, I don’t watch conspiracy type stories, whether on 9/11 or your attempts to defend the nazi who killed Jo Cox.
If she was killed because her husband was a sex offender, I was just a little worried about whether this puts gullible souls like Mooosey and Gerry in danger, when they voted for the Brexit party’s Claire Fox, who supports the…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Parliament embodies our constitutional democracy.
We live in a parliamentary democracy.
If parliament doesn’t do what the government wants, then they should dissolve parliament and call an election.
That’s the democratic decision. But they won’t, will they?
That would actually be asking the people to decide. That would be genuinely…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
That’s right.
There are many, many silly conspiracy stories, and not just about 9/11
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Oh, but you did.
I don’t lie.
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Ah, now we finally find out who else supports the Nazi killer as well as a small number of resident jcers.
Youtube is a totally neutral website which allows pretty much anybody, even 9/11 conspiracy theorists and oddball characters like Richard D Hall, to post. They would allow you to post your views, too, milky, so never give up hope.
Hall…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
What website is pushing this shyte, then, milky?
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
the hard brexiteer dictators certainly care.
And you’ve just lost all legitimacy by suspending parliamentary democracy.
This is just the start, and it’s not going to end when we leave on the 31st – that’s just the beginning.
sceptical guy started the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Today, Boris the Liar and hiss pal, Lord Snooty, have said that they’re going to suspend parliamentary democracy.
If they succeed, then the no-deal Brexit will lose all its legitimacy. It will be an act of an effective dictator, not the voice of anybody other than the hard Brexiteers, wuch as those who predominate in jc.
The people are against…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
gerry and mooosey aren’t on their own in claiming the Nazi was a fall guy then, milky?
and now someone killed her to send out a message to her husband – and her small children, no doubt?
well, what a dastardly thing to do.
Is it the same people who voted for the Brexit Party’s Clare Fox, who wants to legalise child pornography, you…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
You’re so right, milky.
What was sent to the soldier’s wife
From Oslo over the soundHe misses the points and is claiming all the credit for driving morg out.
no wonder people are getting miffed.
He so needs to be more humble!
The evidence is mounting, Martin!!
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