sceptical guy replied to the topic What is love in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Why is this ‘new’ character going through a cut and paste of the Tarot cards?
sceptical guy replied to the topic Somer and GE the new diks in town………… in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
actually, the above has actually happened,
and it is NOT nice
so don’t follow it through, folks, no matter how annoying the cyclists.
sceptical guy replied to the topic Somer and GE the new diks in town………… in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
annoying when you want to overtake
sceptical guy replied to the topic What is love in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
As soon as you try to define love, pigeonhole it, number it, then it’s gone. You can’t do it.
Love is
1. being all soppy
2. a vapour, you’re soon through it
3. being there for someone to the point where you haven’t woken up to the fact that you’re being used
4. coming home from a visit to your parents to discover the man you love so truly has…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic What is love in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Soph always cuts through the bullshyte.
sceptical guy replied to the topic What is love in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I’m not so happy with the post, but it’s touched somethng good in you, so I’m happy with this response.
sceptical guy replied to the topic Period Pains 😫😯 in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Ms K, nothing wrong with writing ‘essays’. The boards aren’t restricted to two-sentence chit-chat, memes or personal abuse.
Sometimes we need to develop a point, especially on a serious topic.
This topic is something I can barely comment on, other than express my ignorance. I’ve never experienced any of it.
But I read the posts, find them…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Star signs in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
you don’t think that birth is a mystery?
To me, it’s a real wonder.
I was born in early September.
What stats suggest that mid-September gives someone a huge advantage??
sceptical guy replied to the topic Period Pains 😫😯 in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I’m glad we’re chatting a bit more socially, Badder, and yes, surgeons regard themselves as Gods. I lost my temper with a couple, and they do not lie it. I had to be reminded that they know how to leave a needle inside you after an op so that it hurts!
Dangermousey, that is awful. Menopause must be a terrible time for a woman, and to pressure a…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Period Pains 😫😯 in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Yes, literally dopey.
I was literally dopey in not having a clue.
But how could I?
It didn’t affect me, and it was a verboten subject, and not just in my family. I rmember a radio interview in which some Tory MP opposed to abortion argued that menstruation was god’s gift, and was actually “weeping” for the lost child. As I had no idea what…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Somer and GE the new diks in town………… in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
The reek of idiocy on Caroline’s part.
It is unlikely that a no-deal brexit can be stopped, but there is a definite possibility, and she’s not helping with this proposal.
sceptical guy replied to the topic Period Pains 😫😯 in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I really didn’t know what they were until I was in my early-mid 20s.
sceptical guy replied to the topic WHY I WILL ALWAYS WIN in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
There was a period like that, though it was hardly ‘critiquing’ it, as you so pretentiously call it.
I was complaining about people who saw poetry only in terms of rhyme.
Mizzy’s comments helped with that, and I’ve often said that I was very wrong to comment as I did.
I often admit to being wrong, including recently on the freudian imagery…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic WHY I WILL ALWAYS WIN in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Ultimately the same cheap response from the two of them.
The escape of the conceited.
Great minds think alike.
The difference between the actual English used by everybody and formal grammatical English is fascinating. Actual English is much more dynamic, expressing the feelings and thoughts of people in conversation. I felt that mizzy had an…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic WHY I WILL ALWAYS WIN in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Her knowledge of grammar, doesn’t strike me as that impressive, any more than yours. An awful long time ago, I studied linguistics, where grammar is important (as opposed to Eng Lit), though I found it deadly dull. My interest in poetry led to some very interesting points about the formal as opposed to the actual use of English, and I could quote…
sceptical guy replied to the topic WHY I WILL ALWAYS WIN in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Now I understand that!
Someone who is so insecure that she’s constantly telling us all that she has a degree and a PGCE plus an A-Level in History in a desperate attempt to lord it over people.
I saw your history post on Franz Ferdinand, and it wasn’t A-level as much the level of the History Channel.
Ditto with your discussions on grammar,…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic WHY I WILL ALWAYS WIN in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
“A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”.
sceptical guy replied to the topic WHY I WILL ALWAYS WIN in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Bessie, you’re laughing – if laughing is the right word – so much you have become totally incoherent.
Try as I may to make sense of this diatribe, I fail.
In fact, I’m starting to be unsure of whether you can make a serious point, whether it’s about politics or even grammar. You really don’t seem interested in anything but asserting your own…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic WHY I WILL ALWAYS WIN in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I notice Badder hasn’t responded.
sceptical guy replied to the topic WHY I WILL ALWAYS WIN in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I’ve been wondering how Rumblebum is doing as well.
He seems a natural ally for you, though I do think his grammar needs more than a little correction too.
As a grammar nerd, I assume that you have heard of (maybe read?) Lynne Truss, whose bossy little volume Eat Shoots & Leaves has sold 3 million copies. What Truss did was to allow the people…[Read more]
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