sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
if someone wants you to make stupid little comments on their posts, they’ll say so.
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
@ Linda
a piece from David Schanzer of great interest to anyone genuinely interested in Trump.
I can see from the president’s statements on Tuesday that he is very frustrated by the fact that a strong majority of Jewish Americans, like me, did not vote for him or the Republican Party in 2016 and 2018 and probably won’t in 2020 eit…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Spammers Ignorance. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
the whirling dervish approach of Bessie and Gerry on these boardstires and bores me.
Where I can, I ignore any non-serious posts. It’s like two spoiled brats making things up and dishing out empty insults, a common jc pastime. Wishing you dead and raking ocver the stupid accusations which led morg to be expelled is just an attempt to draw blood.…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Spam Alert!😂 in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
just as it was fun smearing Kentys name and getting away with it, c/o Martin.
A laugh a minute for people like you two.
Well, I’ll just have to stew in your contempt
or the two of you in mine.
sceptical guy replied to the topic Spam Alert!😂 in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Surely, you mean I treat all women as inferior to me
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Well, I’m sure it would for you, but you’ve no need to read further, and if you had it wouldn’t have hurt you too much.
I answer you but, like many of my posts. I like to make serious points for general consumption.
If you don’t like my serious posts then, like others here, don#t read them. They’re not just meant for you.
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Don’t know where you get all this from. I can’t for the life of me see where I compared you to Adolf Trump.
I’ve just spent my time defending your serious posts, and will continue to do so. I like your posts when they make good points. No other reason, really.
I said that Trump isn’t a Na…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Spam Alert!😂 in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
So far, she’s only made serious points in the political discussion.
if she makes points in any other discussion which are to be taken seriously, or even funny points, or musical choices etc. then I’ll take those seriously too.
This is the problem.
Once people start lamming each other, it’s fun to join in, making things up, pointing…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Spam Alert!😂 in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
If you don’t ignore them, you get caught up in their game.
The only one I take seriously is Bessie, and that’s not because of the rants (in whihc she’s indistinguishable from people who’ve been clogging jc from day 1), but because she makes serious points, which need to be taken seriously. Some of the ranters in jc pretend to make serious…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Nice to see you.
To see you, nice.
Actually the sharp chins of Brucey and Jimmy Hill are physical characteristics, and I specifically said that Trump wasn’t a Nazi.
The jutting chin refers to the particular way that Trump pushes his head forward in a fighting stance. It was something used by Mussolini, and copied by many strongmen of the…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I would have thought that you were used to this type of attack, Linda.
It’s one of the worse characteristics of jc, and isn’t confined to one person – as you know.
Trump goes in for these attacks too – it’s part of what makes him a national embarrassment to many Americans.
best treat these jc attacks with the contempt they deserve and…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
nazi is a sear word often.
There are outright Nazis, but Trump isn’t one.
But he is a Mussolini-type figure – very authoritarian, complete with the jutting chin – and seems to have a huge narcissism together with its attendant insecurity.
One thing, though. You seem to be very confused about our Queen, like many Americans.
In the US,…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic BLAME ME ONCE MORE in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Gross ‘humour’ in those cartoons.
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
the point of my post was that the UK is finally about to fall into vassalage to the US.
An ironic twist given the history of the two countries. The colony is now becoming the colonialist; the colonialist is about to become the colony. It’s been a log time a-coming.
By all means let us know the real facts about Greenland and Trump, though.
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I see that Trump couldn’t buy Greenland.
Awww, shame for him, and he’s reacting like a spoiled child – surprise, surprise.
Never mind, Trumpy, all is not lost.
The UK’s up for grabs now
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
No, sorry, I really don’t want to get embroiled in this unpleasant rubbish.
I really don’t like Bessie’s personal attacks, any more than i like Gerry’s personal attacks. They’re both based on imagined clouds of poison which have nothing to do with the people they’re attacking, but to try to pierce those clouds is just to invite more nasty…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I have nothing to do with the odd banter going on here.
The personal gossip and lies are genuinely bizarre..
I don’t like Bessies’ personal attacks on people, and I don’t like her characterisation of the average brexiteer
but she makes some very good points here, and quite passionately.
For all the crocodile tears by the No Dealers about…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
ghost of morg and Gerry seem to have one thing in common
they specialise in making everything personal.
The brexiteers don’t have any argument. So it’s got to be personal. I’m a wife beater, or a very very very evil man.
I’ve met a couple of people I would regard as genuinely evil, and I’m afraid that they did a lot more than attacking Trump…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic BLAME ME ONCE MORE in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
c ya, ghost of Morg
sceptical guy replied to the topic 1939 Revisited in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Ge, I think that if you’re serious about describing your opponents as very, very, very evil, then you are a genuine fanatic – a real nutter.
When I was young, I worked with the Gay Liberation Front against the Christian fundamentalists in the area. It was quite dangerous some times because these fundies were convinced that we were the agents of…[Read more]
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