sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Shiver me timbers, Strewth! The very thought of these two upright citizens collaborating with one another is outrageous!! Outrageous, I say.
And he told Miss Mooosey to piss off? Why on earth could the misogynist possibly say such a horrible thing?
What a gaslighter. Even an oven lighter.
And everyone can see now that he was only pretending to…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
The first post made things absolutely clear, and it#’s scurrilous of you to say otherwise.
I posted regularly for several months in defence of Kenty, in particular the last couple of days with constant attacks on morg. It’s a disgrace to ask me to check over my posts in the past couple of days; why should I waste my time? I came online into jc…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Can a No Deal Brexit be stopped? in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Thanks, Linda.
Good point and well taken – by me, anyway.
The problem is that they can be too important to let alone.
My hope – not always met – is that if you’re gong to get personal or disruptive of argument etc, you should just shut up and ignore the politics posts.
And I hope that our deep and passionate disagreements on Trump have not…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
He’ll be telling us next that Marx and Durkheim favoured Brexit.
You are a total fool.
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
The mind boggles!
And this idiot claims he was headhunted by Merton?
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
probably best.
But to me the whole question of how groups operate is interesting.
You don’t get blood online – t was a metaphor.
I mean that people had successfully got rid of a serious toll, and were rightly feeling good about it.
I pointed out my worried about what happens when such a success takes place.
Nothing more
And as for your new…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
another example of what worried me, and why I used Girard.
I took an active part in fighting morg, whether he was scorpion or ghost or whomever, on Ms K’s behalf
Yes, I speak for myself, not for Ms K or anyone else here.
I write my opinions, just as I made my opinion on morg known.
When did that become a crime?
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I transferred this because it belongs here.
I’ve not quoted Girard, in or out of context, actually. I’ve not used wiki for Girard. I’ve recently read two of Girard’s books, and am in the process of reading the others too. They are fascinating.
There’s a whole school of thought developing exploring Girard at every level.
Do you really know…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
if you re-read it, boo, then you’ll notice that I was one of the ‘bullies’.
not just you.
I worked with you and others to get rid of Morg, and I’ll do it again.
Bullying is NOT a term I mention with regard to morg. He trolled me for a good reason.
I said I would do it again, and I have said that my concern lies elsewhere, not with morg.
So…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Can a No Deal Brexit be stopped? in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
You hate the EU being discussed. Absolutely hate it don’t you? lol
Never mind, when your illiberal societty wins, you can stop anyone disagreeing with you
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Yup, that’s why I wanted Morg out.
And he’s out. It’s over now. He’s gone, and people are aleert to his return. I was supporting Somer at the first hint of his return.
But it’s not just expulsion which concerned me.
Once people get the taste of blood in their mouths, then genuine ganging up can take place, and this could have the same effect.…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Can a No Deal Brexit be stopped? in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
This short deserves a medal.
Lord Snooty is missing, but Boris dressed as a baby in swaddling clothes alone is a gem.
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
like LD you need to read my post more carefully.
I don’t think Morg was the victim of gang bullying, and I helped push him out.
I said I would do it again, and I expressed my appreciation to GD of it happening.
Why is this wrong??/
What I was worried about wasn’t morg, but of something else happening as one or two people get the…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Can a No Deal Brexit be stopped? in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
The usual troll.
If you don’t want to discuss this, then shut up and ignore it.
Otherwise you just underline what I was actually saying by mentioning Girard.
I’m sure you can contact Martin and ask for my removal for opposing your beloved Brexit. If he agrees, I’ll be gone.
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
re you for real?
Yes, I am actually for real, and helped in clearing morg out.
and you ought to read something properly before swinging your club in here.
I congratulated GD and said we’re grateful for hr actions.
What in hell is wrong with saying that?
sceptical guy started the topic Can a No Deal Brexit be stopped? in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Today, the leaders of the opposition parties meet to discuss whether they can find a unified approach to stopping the disaster of a No-Deal Brexit.
The majority of the country is against such a Brexit. Most polls see 40 to 44% either openly supporting or ready to tolerate such a policy in the hope that the issue can be finally put behind us – fat…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
This seems very very personal on your part.
I never said that the two trolls were bullied off the board.
Ms K is as tough as they come. We’re all hurt when attacked, and there are many who are vulnerable when attacked, but if nobody had rallied to her support, she would have seen the trolls off. As it was, we all rallied to her…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I can’t say I feel as good about this as some.
Don’t get me wrong, we were absolutely right to get this troll off the boards and I played my part in doing this along with everybody else..
Also, I’m as grateful to GD as everybody else in making sure it happened, and in her promise to make sure this type of thing doesn’t recur.
But I’ve always…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Who is your go to person? in the forum Chat forum three boards 5 years, 6 months ago
Nymphs and Shepherds come away
In the groves let’s sport and play
sceptical guy replied to the topic Who is your go to person? in the forum Chat forum three boards 5 years, 6 months ago
Mine is Ge.
Whenever I feel lonely, or lost, or in need of reassurance, or in need of an intelligent and friendly discussion about contemporary issues, he’s always there with a smile on his face.
Thanks Ge
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