My sons new Budgie :) We have had the green one (Sam) for a while but he just got the blue/white one (Aaron) today (early birthday pressie from my sister) and its soooooooooooooooo lovely :) Just a baby too, about 3-4 weeks old.
lovely name for a budgie i think hehe
lmao, My son chose it because Aaron is his cousins name. I was thinking its kinda strange but who am i to argue with a 3 year old. :?
My son and my nephew constantly fighting. I’m going to put them both in a room in a minute and just let them fight it out of their systems. Then maybe i’ll get some peace. :(
TY Kent – Just got him about 20 minutes ago and him and the old one are still fighting :roll: I hope they behave soon cos i love the new one sooo much and i don’t want to have to put it back to the breeder :(
My sons new Budgie :) We have had the green one (Sam) for a while but he just got the blue/white one (Aaron) today (early birthday pressie from my sister) and its soooooooooooooooo lovely :) Just a baby too, about 3-4 weeks old.