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  • #204029

    Gonna be on me hols in the US this Mothers Day, but i’m nipping down the florists before i go to ensure she has flowers delivered to remind her out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind. Will probably end up calling her on the day too. We haven’t always seen eye to eye on everything, but she has always been there for me when times got hard and i needed a shoulder.


    Oops knew i had spelt it wrong, ah well nevermind.




    :oops: Silly me. lmao I lost a weekend somewhere along the line, i’m glad you helped me find it. :lol:


    My last theme night b4 i jet off for 3 weeks, so i best make the most of it, cos i sure as heck won’t be interupting my holiday activites for chat :wink:


    Guides at the end of the day are chatters like you and me, there is only so much they can do to prevent this kind of thing happening. I wouldn’t say a persons main reason for applying to be a chatguide is *to sit back and watch the eejits have fun* which is what seems to be being suggested between the lines on some of the posts i have read. We as users of JC can’t expect them to be on constant watch for undesirables. Give them a break and USE the deterants you have been supplied with. ie the IGNORE function.


    The one thing in life that totally terrifies me and has done since he was born, is the thought of losing my son. Sometimes i find myself lay in bed at nights imagining the most awful things happening resulting in his death, or thinking what if something ever happened to me, who would he live with, who would ensure he got all the love and attention he needed.

    Probably sounds totally looney but it is the one fear i don’t think i am EVER going to get over.


    With my first serious relationship, it wasn’t physical, i ran from the fecker when i first seen him…lol I dunno i guess it was because he was a bad guy, and i was going through the rebelious teenager stage, 4 years and a son down the line and i realised the error of my ways and got the heck out of there.

    A couple of low self esteem, take whoever comes along first relationships which lasted a cpl months each time.

    The one i am in now though, couldn’t be anymore perfect for me, we talk loads, we laugh loads, we respect each others individuality and need for space sometimes. We don’t feel scared to voice any problem that we may have with each other at any given time and have no secrets. I couldn’t ask for anymore.

    So taking all that into account, i guess for me the perfect partner would be the one i described lastly, the one i can share the person i am with, without feeling the need to hide the bad parts.


    DOH !!! @ me, i fell asleep at my desk during last Saturday’s theme night, my string beans were well off by the morning i tell ya.

    Next weeks theme, Saturday 11th March:

    Wild Animals

    Cya there (hopefully awake this time) :lol:



    I only knew because my brother in law has some immitation one’s which he is forever banging on about. :roll:

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