Forum Replies Created
17 September, 2017 at 12:20 am #1069611
Mon cher, je n’ai pas été appelé depuis longtemps, belle dame.
17 September, 2017 at 12:14 am #1069607Again – These were found on google, advertising FREE use of chatroom, false advertisement.
Chat in the free chat rooms at Just Chat
<cite class=”_Rm”></cite>Chat online in our free chat rooms. No registration is required and there is nothing to download. Just choose a free chat room and get chatting!
Chat rooms at Just Chat: Join a free chat room now
<cite class=”_Rm”></cite>Our chat rooms are free. Pick a free chat room, choose a chat name and you’re in. You don’t even need to register. It couldn’t be any easier.
17 September, 2017 at 12:06 am #1069601And before anyone jumps on my back saying i’m talking out my backsde, it clearly states on the log in / sign up page that you can register for free, FREE!
16 September, 2017 at 11:56 pm #1069590If you want a chatroom without any swearing or abuse then, what are you seriously doing online? All you’re doing is goading others, and that’s pretty silly if you want a nice peaceful room, if ever there was one of them anywhere on the worldwide web.
I think the place will die a death has it has been doing since the format changed, also falsely advertising you are still a free site to use is a bit wrong, getting people here on false pretences for what exactly? to get them to register? They wont they want a totally free service and they will go elsewhere to get that. 99p will not stop abusers at all and you can say ‘well they have your payment details’, then you can make up any paypal account, there’s always ways round things as there will probably be a way round keeping numbers out of F3 some clever clogs will soon figure it out.
bye pour l’instant les gens
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19 February, 2017 at 4:26 am #1022515I am very calm Rosepetal, I for one do not allow myself to get het up over things online, I just like to simply point out some faults to some who clearly cannot see past their own noses and it’s clear to see that people get protected here for whatever reason, shame it’s the wrong type of clientele that are being given free rein to do as they so wish with, they get the go ahead from those who could put a stop to it, but they chose to join in with the repulsive behavior the chatters pose on others in here.
If you’re not bothered about your chatters you sure have a lot to say.. or, am I right in thinking you’re doing that because “i’m bashing you” and the staff/owner on here?! I’m actually disgusted at the way people are treated here to be totally honest.
I have witnessed many things the past week of being here, and it’s shocking, no wonder the reviews are not good, but then again you will argue that fact that that them reviews online are just silly, because its only a chatroom isn’t it? but I can guarantee if the place was closed, you’d be gutted, thats a fact! So fact is this place means as much to you as the rest, whatever their walks of life.I will always have an opinion on things I deem are correct.
Au revoir. X
16 February, 2017 at 10:12 pm #1022367The simple fact is this..whislt trolling maybe taken in different forms, some forms of trolling are illegal, and some people have been prosecuted for it since the new laws came in.
Rudeboy your opinion is just that, yours. As is mine and I will argue til i’m blue in the face that my points are correct for the context of complaints I have written about. Why do u seem argumentative about all I write? is it because you like to be the one to score brownie points with your rightful quotes and words of wisdom?
Also not everyone knows exactly what goes on in chat all of the time because they do work/study and do have other life commitments, but it has got worse it’s not just nasty words name calling it’s beyond that for some people, they dont need babysitting online and all people ever want from one another is RESPECT! So why can’t people do that?..because they are obsessed with the fact they like to hurt others by belittling and demeaning them, it’s like an addict after their next hit of heroin, they just cant see past the end of their own noses to see how it affects everyone else so long as they are satisfied with the end results.
Adios. x
16 February, 2017 at 3:43 pm #1022315I think you’ll find the bit written about the police was not written by myself but by Rosepetal, maybe you should go back and read it again, properly.
I picked up on some of Rosepetal’s points as she did mine, it’s really not that hard to decipher.16 February, 2017 at 1:24 am #1022290Rudeboy you seem a little annoyed by some of my points?..infact you seem quite agitated, they are only opinions on an online community. I as an individual am allowed to express my opinion as are you but do you see me calling people autistic and spineless? to name but a few, there is no need for that to get a point across.
Maybe people think you are another chatter because you type similar, or same mannerisms possibly, I don’t know, I cannot answer that.1 member liked this post.
16 February, 2017 at 1:13 am #1022289Am I to believe that you are staff here Rosepetal?
So.. Rosepetal in response to your points:You opened this chat community and you have to deal with everything that is thrown at you because that is why you have the role of owner/staff.
We do by not taking most of it too seriously.
So you are admitting you don’t take the abuse/trolling seriously nor are willing to help people who come to you for guidance because it shouldn’t be taken too seriously? What if the shoe was on the other foot and you were the subject for the trolls and you had no way of doing anything about it because you were a chatter only, I’m certain you would want things done by the staff members, wouldn’t you?
Also laws are a lot different to when this place first started out whenever that may have been, i’m guessing years. for this place to get to this level of cruelty:-
Indeed, however both NS and myself have had several dealings with the police in the past two years regarding some of the more serious trolling issues with certain chatters. Although most chatters naturally won’t believe that or believe that there are some on going investigations, I can assure you it’s true. Both of us of late have been impressed with the police response we have had but due to them having so many other things to deal with it takes time.
And, again I’m going to have a wild guess that nothing has surfaced in any courts because the whole truth has been twisted to protect the ones that keep the money rolling in? It only takes time when evidence is not given, or the truth is twisted in as many ways as you want it to be to keep this community protected.
You have the ability and the tools to stop the trolls. :-
We have a ban and gag facility, the Hosts can cookie ban and gag any chatter at any time. The chatter can come back with 10 minutes. No Host or Guide can be here 24/7. There are no other tools.
Come on now Rose we all know that’s wrong in every degree, you as staff have access to Ips?..Ips can be traced and you also will know what provider their internet is coming from, how’s about contacting their ISP and have their internet cut off for let’s say.. abusive ways? It can be done and it has been done on many occasions, so yes there is other ways to deal with it but as I said previously it seems that you can’t be bothered it’s too much hassle for this online community.
NEVER trust them!:-
Misogynists, egocentrics, narcissists, paranoid’s, schizophrenic’s and total FckWits are always trusted by those who think they can change them because they often misogynistic, narcissistic, paranoid, schizophrenic FckWits themselves.
As hard as you try they won’t listen!Seems it’s not just the chatters that aren’t trusted here, the staff don’t seem to have a good record neither, maybe because people have come to you pleading with you to do something about the rubbish going on and you just tell them to forget it or use ignore, but that never achieves anything in the long run, you want a better place to chat then things need to be changed, don’t they? Listen to the users of this community without them you wouldn’t be needed here nor would u have somewhere to go neither.
a duty of care:-
Now I’ve heard it all! Seriously, these are adults who enter the Chatroom. The rules blatantly state, don’t give out personal information. There is no contractual agreement that says anyone should care about anyone!
Yes, yes you do have a duty of care for the people whom come here to chat, if you didn’t then the laws would not
have been changed, Ignoring a chatters plea to help them in whatever circumstance arises at whatever time is negligence and therefore that could lead to a chatter self-harming, drug use or worse, you know many of your chatters have mental health issues therefore all of above is possible, if you know of someone’s mental state and you chose to ignore that then that is wrong and the duty of care for that person has just been brushed off because all they are is a number or a name on your screen. It’s not about caring about strangers, it’s about you as staff doing the right thing by people, Yes some have problems some don’t but they all need the same amount of respect from staff members who are supposed to be online to help when they are logged in as staff!Live your lives instead of wasting your good years on pathetic people:-
The best advice ever!
I know that is why it was typed.
But in all seriousness here, Why have you only picked up on a few of my points what about the rest?. Or do u fully agree with them?
Auf Wiedersehn. x
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14 February, 2017 at 7:33 pm #1022178Always leave people better than you found them.
Hug the hurt. Kiss the broken. Befriend the lost.
Love the lonely. <3People who are not happy with themselves cannot possibly be happy with you! They tend to want to hurt others to attempt to heal themselves.
Only YOU can teach people how to treat you, by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce. -