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  • #1070161

    Seems to me Norfolkmafia is just wanting an argument at any opportunity, you wont get that from me.  B-)

    I posted the thread therefore it was my thread, I was the author of it. It is indeed on a public forum, why post something like that on a non community? :unsure:

    It was an informative post as I have stated many times but you just cant seem to grasp that fact it was put in place to help anyone who wished to read it, if you didn’t like what you started to read then you should’ve moved on, but no, you had to try and belittle me for doing a good thing. :yahoo:   :whistle:

    I shall carry on posting my own points and views on what I think is right, and you sir if you dont like it can kiss my backside . :yes:   :yes:


    And I didn’t agree with you and Ge taking over my thread with your fight for who’s the manliest man on here, as I said on the OP neither of you won that, you both looked pathetic and childish, just my opinion which i’m allowed before you start bitching about me being rude. :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:


    Brushing things under the carpet has always been the way here, but laws change and you can’t keep doing that Martin. :whistle:   :whistle:


    Errr where in that did I say you cannot post?

    I simply asked what will happen when the registered regular abusers return to chat as they are doing, and they start on the other registered regulars? Wasnt hard to understand.

    AND .. your comments have no affect on me at all, you can post what you like, where you like, whenever you like, I was merely asking a simple question. :mail:   :wacko:   :unsure:

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by  Dixie.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by  Dixie.

    A positive step until the old regular abusers re-appear and start on the other regulars that have registered, then what will happen?  :whistle:


    It will believe me, and I shall sit here and laugh my socks off. :yahoo:   :whistle:


    NO, what should’ve happened is this…

    Martin took on staff to do a specific job, which was to keep this place running smoothly and efficiently, He chose wrongly, because the hosts he took on blatantly abused their powers and they had their little groups whom they would protect.

    As sceptical guy has said here or on another thread recently he has seen the hosts encouraging the online bullying of people and even in cases they’ve been the ones forming the situation.

    Sad fact is this will never change, its gone way too far and most of the good chatters have gone, and in turn this registered only room will eventually go back to how it used to be as its well on its way with the ‘registered’ chatters attacking one another already, and if you say thats not happening then you’re talking out of you backside.

    :mail: :yes:


    2 members liked this post.

    So be more specific to whom you’re aiming your bitching at, and please dont be attacking women, its not nice. Be a man and walk away.

    Anyways sorry, I do apologise for my outburst.  B-)   :scratch:


    Did he actually call me Dipsy? It’s Dixie you pompous little man (just my opinion, that i’m allowed). Who cares who posts where this is not seperate rooms on seperate sites, this is ONE chat community and people will go where they wish, unless the room police are out in force (meaning you by the way) you cannot control who uses where, so get off your high horse, accept it for what it is, and get on with what you do and let others be happy in the way they wish to chat. :mail:   :mail:


    Is this a chat community or is it just for specific people? Because i’m a little confused! I thought anyone could use anywhere on any site unless banned by owners? Freedom to go where they like chat to whom they want to, you know that kind of thing, is this not the case? :wacko:   :bye:

    percutiet eos obruere sucess risu

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