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  • #1033440

    Last time she said she was ona diet and didnt want to watch us eat. I should have known then. Because she didnt look slimmer.


    I dont want to talk about it right now. But I caught her out shopping with some slaghag when she said she was ill. Now ive only got 6 friends now. She tried to take one of them away from me on fb today. But i quickly got in the way of that little chat and stopped her. She isnt welcome in our group. I just need to inform the rest tomorrow. Shes bad news.


    Everything! Dam well EVERYTHING! Im not even going to start the list.


    I once seen those losers washing clothes in a public laundry place. Well well well! Look who came crawling back to civilization. Typical.


    Stop trying to get out of work buster. I remember one of my bf’s talking all this jabloney stuff right before he quit his dumb job and became lazy. LAZY! LAZY LAZY!!!!

    Oh and another thing. Dont drive cars its bad for earth. Get a dam bike. Then you wont be moaning about these dam cars.

    I told my EX lazy bf to go live in the dam bushes if he wants to be lazy. And he did leave. Last time i heard he was living with tramps in some tent town in bushes growing veg and crapping behind a rock. It was the only time he listened to me.


    My dam freezer broke so ive had to eat 2 tubs of ice cream today. Before it melted. And lots of other things. I cant move.

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    YES!!! I had to tell everyone about womanising jack last week.

    He chats to all the females. Even does it infront of them all. Then moves room to room. Like some male jigalo. Telling lou how nice her hair is, then cassandra she is a nice person. Then sally what type of music he likes. And they all in the bloody same room. And they let him. Then i follow him to f3 and surprise surprise hes off to see his other gf’s. WOMANISING JACK I SEEN YOU!!! YOU CANT FOOL ME BOY. I SEEN YOU. STAY THEY HELL OUT OF MY PM BOX PLEASE. AND 10 YARDS FROM ME AT ALL TIMES IN CHATROOM. THANKYOU.


    Oh how nice a patient of f2 has escaped and is now at large on the boards.


    My friend said ..just act like a car.

    Ill just do this.


    Do yobs really pull up beside and blare music shouting things, throwing things? Sounds like an evening in f2. Once i heard they held on to a cyclist and took him with them. From the window

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