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  • #387781

    @ncb wrote:

    Want to see a post come to a complete stand still? Just let me post and you will see it come to a complete dead stand still. Even more important, ask me if I really care?

    They only let me out at weekend so give me a chance!!!!!


    Things are running at a much more sedate pace here now*………it lets the old-uns keep up 8)


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    So now we have the ”small print” details of Alistair Darling’s big tax give-away ….. is it perhaps a concealed ‘take-away’??? Are you all really better off?

    The proposed reduction in VAT won’t affect many of the essential intems that JustChat members pay each week (or month). Food; children’s clothing; rent & mortgage payments; these items do not carry VAT at all so no change there.

    So you are going to buy an iPod for Christmas. Average high street retail prices are around £179 and IF the retailer reduces the VAT element this will now cost you £175.15 – a massive saving of £3.85. Of course IF you went onto the internet to buy, you’d probably save this and more anyway.

    Petrol??? OK so VAT comes down by 2 1/2% BUT fuel Tax goes UP by an equivalent amount – so no real change there. Oh and BTW, just in case you wondered, the reduction in VAT is only temporary BUT the increase in fuel Tax is permanent. So guess what’ll happen to petrol prices in 2011???

    Whilst we are on VAT – the latest little bombshell. When the ‘temporary’ reduction on VAT is over it won’t be going back to 17 1/2% oh no. We’ll be asked to pay 18 1/2% in 2012. Nice one Darling!!!

    “Let’s tax the ‘rich’ to make them pay more” they all scream …. OK but in reality there aren’t THAT many so-called ‘rich’ and the new higher rate of tax on the ‘rich’ will only produce around £670 million and even then, not until 2010-2012. Good sound bite but in reality it will achieve practically nothing – especially if you take out the additional cost of collecting it.

    So did you spot the sneaky little hidden bit, buried deep in the detail of the statement, where your NI goes up??? From spring 2011 you will ALL be paying more in NI than before. Oh dear what a pity.

    Also, did you notice another sneaky one??? Personal allowances (the amount that you can earn before you have to pay income tax) will remain ”frozen” at today’s levels. This means that an additional 100,000 people will be paying higher rate tax at 40% – you know the ones, ‘fat cats’ like doctors, nurses, teachers and so on. Shame about that eh?

    So are you really better off financially as a result of Alistair Darling’s ‘give-away’ or is it in reality a disguised ‘take-away’???

    What do you think???

    I Think…..


    There are some plus points (although they are hard to see)

    In the current climate you can great some great discounts

    I’ve just got a 33% discount on a new vehicle, There was 27% on the table as I walked into the dealership and I got another 6% after an hour or two’s haggling (I love a haggle)

    If you purchase a new Mazda from EMG Mazda their advertising buy one get one free? Imagine that a BOGOF on a car :lol:

    Everything is cheap at the moment with pre-Xmas sales in most of the big high st stores, Of course all designed to make us part with our hard earnt dough and after all these tax hikes (said quietly) surely ”everyone” is aware that the only way out of any financial trough is up the slippery sides, I.e. Long and costly exercise.

    No one really expects the government to give anything away do they?


    Well said!

    There is just NO place for incompetence on this scale by so many people of so called professional backgrounds and training, They need to take up a career in bog cleaning (without using anything but there bare hands btw) somewhere far far away!

    And the bit that always make me feel so sick about this is I know this happens!, It’s in the press and reported on, It’s not an isolated case, Why does it happen?

    Civilised society :(


    Thankyou muchly!


    It’s going kind of slow isn’t it? = time…


    Between 1:00 & 2:00

    This is very reminiscent of Dereck and Clive to me

    @catmanblue wrote:

    @Dibb’s wrote:


    There’s nothing a nights sleep cannot cure!

    The most troubled of minds see’s life from another angle in the morning

    SS since when did you become so knowledgeable? :lol:

    Sorry was just thinking aloud!

    *silly sausage has gotta stop that*

    I was actually slightly bemused why all the lights on the tumble drier had gone out whilst I waited to throw a second load in it from the washing machine, I now know my tumble drier has a sleep mode to conserve energy!!!!!!!!

    Press the start button twice and it lights up then starts working, Whatever next fgs….

    That’s almost more annoying than the tune it plays when it’s done it’s thing drying*



    There’s nothing a nights sleep cannot cure!

    The most troubled of minds see’s life from another angle in the morning


    It is the simplest of things in life that can change how we feel or how we convey ourselves.

    It’s all part of lifes rich tapestry


    See now that’s worth a smile!


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