Forum Replies Created
29 November, 2005 at 9:53 am #170736
o O (where and what hatch did you creep out of???)
Nothing wrong with Rum so early in the day??
*wakens the mind lightens the spirits and stirs the soul*
**fall’s over drunk**…………and you fall over as well………lol
‘get some more mainsail up you skurvieesss’
29 November, 2005 at 9:49 am #158334I can do ‘toe Stepping’
Mornin Diane ……………… :wink:
29 November, 2005 at 7:44 am #170734and no quivering lip type movements from crew-members that might be stuck in the galley FGS!!!!!!!!!
*Cap’n orders sunny to bring him another bottle of rum*
“early in the morning just as the day was dawning I saw a fair maiden standing on the shore. . . . . . . . . . . .
**does quick tazmanian devil impression**
WHAT ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU DOING ON MY BOAT………’ll all pay for this with ya lives if you keep on!!!!!!
*help’s himself to a cold happy meal chip and gobs it out of the porthole*
for your outragious behaviour you shall go in the galley-house for three day’s cleaning duty. . . . . .
Has been promoted to second in command and has been given two pairs of oars and a whip to keep you miserable cannivering land-lubbers keen on what you should be doing………and some whipping and oaring (if he so desires) :lol:
**upto pat’s and fast when he should walk the plank**
……….tie some red-meat on him first I want to tease the sharks…… :wink:
Well Sunny can have freedom of the boat and go where she likes do what she wants as long as she brings plenty of good (or bad) wenches onboard everytime we get to a new port……………o O (she’ll make a fine figurehead as well……….we’ll get one of sunny carved to go foreard and replace the bow-sprit….
**tell’s second in charge to get this ship moving or those no supper for anyone**
Retires to his cabin…………..
*sound of rum bottle being opened*
behave you charming varminus crew!!!
28 November, 2005 at 1:56 pm #170655cap’s say’s to the *motley Crew*
No **sinn**. . . .(note spelling)<— anigans or frolicking onboard please………….
Were off to mc donald island are we?
28 November, 2005 at 10:06 am #160150Communication is the thing……….
If you communicate well then everything will be happy……..
if not offer to help him give his boat a good clean!!!
28 November, 2005 at 9:50 am #170645**slings biff overboard**
**hoses himself & pats down and then shoves the remains of the sick in the cooking pot**
o O (think I’ll eat on shore tonight)
I’ll set sail for Bradford after my next port of call Tiggy :wink:
And dont mention ‘chaffing’ of the cleat again………. 8) 8) yeah you!!!….lol
I can see all the spare ropes being used for one thing or another……….
Right!………where or who are we going to ‘Plunder first’?????
26 November, 2005 at 5:24 pm #170640Leeward is a term used on board noting direction and the angle from where the wind is coming ….lol
hoist the mainsail w’ere off
*slaps Pats for miss-behaving**
No one is an island
No one born alone
No man can turn the tide of fortune on his own
Though some may dare to tryD.
25 November, 2005 at 2:54 pm #158987George never blamed anyone else for his adiction or bad bahaviour either
‘A live by what he said character’ and a bloody good footballer……….
he’s worthy of ‘saying it as he saw it’
a rare quality
25 November, 2005 at 2:19 pm #170637**grabs Minim and Pats**
Set sail for a ‘fair maiden’ voyage………..
reef the canvas hard……. :oops: were going full speed ahead to a ‘lee ward’ shore and we’ll dodge the revenue…..
**removes wooden leg from his shoulder*
o O (could have been nasty)
**orders Minim to open anothe barrel of rum and get’s three glases out**
were off!. . .
and no jolly rogering please…………