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  • #265615

    *runs out of fingers and toes now*

    Arrpeeee burfday . . . . .

    o O (gonna be a big cake for all them candles innit?)



    @forumhostpb wrote:

    But why should the Prime Minister alone be asked to apologise for slavery …. unless it is to grab some cheap and sensational publicity.

    No I think that every man, woman and yes even child in the entire UK should immediatly apologise for slavery. They are all responsible for it – especially the children.

    We should have parades, processions, public meetings, focus groups, petitions, debates in Parliament, loads of articles in newspapers, 24/7 wall to wall TV coverage …. no stone should be left unturned is the quest for public apology.

    We should all of us donate all of our income to promote world peace and an end to global poverty ..but above all – we should say ”Sorry”.

    I’ll lead the way. ”I am soooooo sorry”.

    I’m not going to apologise for the actions of my forfathers, they take it upon their own head to commit such a crime let them carry the can.

    Who is going to dig them up and tell them?



    Opinions and political correctness………..

    If you shove too much down your neck it’s going to hang around your middle, wether it be on your belly or your ass-or adjacent area/s.

    Leave the pies alone. . . . .

    We are entering a regime where a Dr will have the right to refuse treatment to someone if they are not ”taking” reasonable care of themselves………..The fact it may be an aid to make you live longer ”could” possibly speak for itself………….depending on the quality of your hearing (of course)



    It just gets better and better!

    MONTERREY, Mexico (Reuters) – A Mexican man who once weighed half a tonne left his house for the first time in five years on Wednesday after losing 440 pounds (200 kg) through diet and exercise.

    A crane (Yes you read it correctly) lifted Manuel Uribe, 40, off the sidewalk and onto a lorry after friends and family (and none of the local salad producers) heaved him from the house still sitting on his bed.

    “It feels pretty beautiful, after five years without leaving here,” Uribe told reporters outside the house, where he was greeted by a band of “mariachi” musicians before setting off on a tour of Monterrey, Mexico.

    Uribe, who is still unable to walk, said he shed 440 pounds (200 kg) by following “The Zone,” a diet which aims to balance hormones through carbohydrate and protein intake. For exercise, he used harnesses to help him lift weights.

    Until age 22, Uribe weighed 290 pounds (132 kg) . But by May 2006, Uribe had ballooned to 1,200 pounds (550 kg). At that time, doctors said his cholesterol and blood-sugar levels were normal, despite his obesity.

    Last year, he planned a trip to Italy to undergo an intestinal bypass operation (is that like a labotomy?) but now says surgery is unnecessary.

    “I am losing weight every day and I don’t feel that I’m so desperate that I need an operation,” he said.

    Uribe said he would like to set up a foundation promoting exercise and a balanced diet to help overweight people………

    Alternately they could ”just” shove less in their cakehole?



    *adds brohmide to Constantino’s teacup*

    o O (seems the only fair thing to do)


    I can see this thread getting out of hand……

    Can we have some ”order” on board please ladies…………. :shock:

    Deck-shoes shall be worn at all times, boots and woteva else your going on about are not for on-deck . . .

    Any man wearing a maids outfit shall be keel-hauled. . . .o O (bit dodgey innit)

    It’s possibly a case of too much fun…….& too little sailing going on?


    D. x


    I think you are making the comment,

    ‘Like a sausage up an alleyway”

    Nice to see you Sunny one!


    I wonder what the odds on it fitting back in (where it came from) are at William Hill>?

    I bet it’s called Luigi with ”da bigga da fekkin head” *italian accent*



    Hands of Madge and the gang!!!!

    Whatever, in connection with my professional practice or not, in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that all such should be kept secret.

    While I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the art, respected by all men, in all times!

    But should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse be my lot!

    Up The Royals*

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