Forum Replies Created
25 October, 2007 at 11:02 am #188610
@*Sian wrote:
@Dibb’s wrote:
@dee wrote:
Naughty naughty Dibb’s, that ain’t a ‘when was the last time’ one :lol:
Btw, Sainsbury’s Tast teh Difference Range is very nice :lol:
Moi @ norty?
When was the last time you let someone at a call centre have the full persuasive power of your charm as you listened to them squirm at the facts as they were unveiled………… which made the operative and the company they support look like a sack of old sheeps testicles that were going to be fed to them for supper!
I have never done it! Pfft!
When was the last time you posed in the mirror? :shock:
I have never done that Pffft!
I’ve always been too busy looking good*
When did you last blame someone else for borrowing something you have lost?. . . . . .
25 October, 2007 at 5:04 am #188608@dee wrote:
Naughty naughty Dibb’s, that ain’t a ‘when was the last time’ one :lol:
Btw, Sainsbury’s Tast teh Difference Range is very nice :lol:
Moi @ norty?
When was the last time you let someone at a call centre have the full persuasive power of your charm as you listened to them squirm at the facts as they were unveiled………… which made the operative and the company they support look like a sack of old sheeps testicles that were going to be fed to them for supper!
23 October, 2007 at 1:57 pm #188606@American Woman wrote:
More than 4 years ago I’m sure. Now that I have children, I can’t be risking my life or my babies lives. It was fun while it lasted though :roll: .
When was the last time you received a traffic ticket?
Thankfully not after doing twice the legal speed limit…….that’s an instant ban here if your caught doing 100mph + and probably say goodbye to your licence for a couple of years if your caught doing 140mph +
(I’ve been buzzed by a chopper whilst driving through the Nevada dessert LOL)
Double nickel my bac k side!!!!!!!!!!
2001 I got my last ticket, at quarter past five in the morning for speeding. . . .
Who makes the best internationally available chocolate covered cake?
23 October, 2007 at 1:45 pm #283725@ugo wrote:
cos im delaying what im meant to be doing just a little while longer …. :wink:
Why does the sun & moon control the Tides ( sea ) …?
Tidal patterns
The source of “marine current” or “tidal stream” energy is the tide. When we talk of marine current, we are referring to a moving mass of water with a velocity and direction.
Tides and tidal currents are generated by gravitational forces of the sun and moon on the earth’s waters. Due to its proximity to the earth, the moon exerts roughly twice the tide raising force of the sun
Where can you get ”the” good old fashioned feeling from when visiting a place (graffiti/migrant free environment)?
23 October, 2007 at 10:30 am #291730@sweetass wrote:
Somebody I know, who’s daughter is very very close to me …( obviously I dont want to say too much ) recently ‘ran away’ . Turns out she had befriended a 50 odd year old local man.who bought her clothes, gave her pocket money, and not only offered her work at ‘his’ factory . But also a bedroom iin his house . The girl in question has learning disabilities and is 12 years of age . As she only ever played in the green opposite her house, her parents thought she was safe. When she ran away for several hours, the police were informed that it was possible that she was at this mans house… they knocked on the door to be told by the other two males residing in the property, that no the girl wasn’t nor had ever been there. The police had no grounds to search so went away.. a cple of hours later they returned to the house to spot the girls rucksack in the hallway. This they then took and brought to her parents .. imagine the terror when the parents were asked not only if they recognised the rucksack, but also if they could supply the police with the most recent picture they had of their daughter ..They were also told that they were searching at tesco’s in LEIGHTON BUZZARD . Behind that tesco is a canal, they were told under no circumstances were they to go there…. terror ?? I would have been in pieces.. As the police left to blues and two’s it dowqn to Tesco’s the daughter turned up home .. the man had told her to go home through the back way as his friends had informed him that the police had been twice and found the rucksack.
Well .. not only had these three men lied to the police . They had also decked out a room for this child. The dominant peado had been asking questions as to whether she had started her periods ect ect ect;
The trained police officer is in no doubt as to the fact that this man was grooming this child, buying her things, making her feel that she owed him something… The officer is confident that the next step for this kid would be sexual abuse …… Now here’s the killer…. Even after all this.. the lies the men told, the comments made, the bedroom made for her..THEY ARE STILL UNSURE IF THEY CAN PROSECUTE DUE TO LACK OF EVIDENCE :shock: :shock: :twisted: :twisted:So even after all of this this dirty barstud is still free to walk the streets of LEIGHTON BUZZARD, to scope out other children, and who knows what else he will do..( He is a known knicker thief who has obviously moved on to bigger things)
This country’s legal system & Policing procedures along with the CPS’s ability to prosecute gone mad and the system in total breakdown.
The answer………
a person who tries in an unofficial way to prevent crime, or to catch and punish someone who has committed a crime, especially because they do not think that official organizations, such as the police, are controlling crime effectively
Begin’s with a V
22 October, 2007 at 2:46 pm #291714*quick thinking*
Someone needs to set up a branch of donor card operatives over there and be quick about it!
22 October, 2007 at 6:43 am #188604@*Sian wrote:
@Dibb’s wrote:
@*Sian wrote:
I have bought some today with nuts and choc drops… not had them for a while.
When was the last time you pampered yourself?
You first Ma’am :lol:
Such a gent, I will do.. :shock: :lol:
Leave a bloody question, it aint that hard Dibb’s, fooking men!
Not into pampering……….
When did you last break the speed limit by at least double :oops:
18 October, 2007 at 10:53 am #188596@*Sian wrote:
I have bought some today with nuts and choc drops… not had them for a while.
When was the last time you pampered yourself?
You first Ma’am :lol:
18 October, 2007 at 10:49 am #188594@dee wrote:
I get chatted up every day by my husband 8)
Had to put that, the reality was too depressing :lol:
Oh, I forgot to put a question. When was the last time you ate raisins? That’s cause I’m eating them now!
1979 at Ongar underground station at the end of the Central line (Now closed) They came in a cardboard box which was purple, The chocolate covered toffee covered ones were in a brown box…..I think they were called poppets. . . . .
When did you last help a complete stranger out of a bad situation?
16 October, 2007 at 6:17 am #188583 -