Dibbs replied to the topic The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane….Or on us! in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 8 months ago
Barclays chairman Marcus Agius resigned (Before the shove came and he was disgraced) and also tendered his resignation as chairman of the BBA (Can’t imagine why!!!)
Mr Diamond said in a letter to staff that he would “get to the bottom” of what happened
The Serious Fraud Office (OH Dear we are deep in the doo doo’s now branch of our fragile legal…[Read more] -
Dibbs replied to the topic Privacy versus Technology in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 9 months ago
But you don’t know a Geoff
Dibbs replied to the topic Killed Gunman Mark Saunders in the board Getting serious 14 years, 4 months ago
What about if the person is not a moron!
You gonna ban them too?
@panda12 wrote:
@Dibb’s wrote:
Beretta silver pigeon 12-bore shotgun = Not even a decent bit of kit ffs!
Could have at least used a Winchester
Ban all guns and the morons who use them.
Dibbs replied to the topic Killed Gunman Mark Saunders in the board Getting serious 14 years, 4 months ago
Beretta silver pigeon 12-bore shotgun = Not even a decent bit of kit ffs!
Could have at least used a Winchester
Dibbs replied to the topic New on the block in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 4 months ago
Dibbs replied to the topic Chatters Pics… go on be Brave !! in the board Chat forum three boards 16 years ago
@middlin wrote:
@Pete wrote:
iz it coz you iz ugly
She’s not ugly Pete, trust me!
She is a really good looking kind hearted kindred soul, 1 your not likely to come across often in this world (& I know)
Dibbs replied to the topic Jade Goody in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
I suppose she could turn the two million a year she earns into some sort of legacy for her children, Flog her story (again) Gob out another book quick and coin the royalties
Or use some of the money to get some ground breaking treatment although when it’s spreading at the rate we are hearing it is best thing to do (sensibly) is to plan the…[Read more]
Dibbs replied to the topic Strangely silent skies today. in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
Sunday 1st Feb.
I went out for a walk this afternoon – about 3pm to 5pm. It was beautiful clear, sunny weather, though cold and windy. As I went on my way, something began to dawn on me.
I had not seen or heard a single aircraft in the sky, which was clear from horizon to horizon. No vapour trails from high-flying… -
Dibbs replied to the topic Broken scroll bar thing in the board Technical Q&A 16 years, 1 month ago
You’l be as cleverish as any techy soon at that rate!
P.s Isn’t snow cold! :lol:
Dibbs replied to the topic Word of the Day, take 2!!! in the board Chat forum three boards 16 years, 1 month ago
Join the club and become a tax exile
Dibbs replied to the topic Broken scroll bar thing in the board Technical Q&A 16 years, 1 month ago
Is it the microsoft office scrollbar like off of windows 2000 (home/office/custom all different colours for each set mode?
If so I am going to get shot down here but can’t you drag it from the bottom of the screen or to the side so it’s less in the way!
I’ve typed this and not looked at the original post fully (memory blank) wasn’t it…[Read more]
Dibbs replied to the topic Nicknames, are they wrong ? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
I see old Jugears is in trouble too now for calling a member of his polo team Sooty!
That takes the biscuit (Duchy, of course!). We need to Sweep this under the carpet before someone decides to Sue.brill =D>
Dibbs replied to the topic Derrrrrrrrrrrrrr in the board Getting serious 16 years, 2 months ago
Is he upsetting the ladies again?
Dibbs replied to the topic Are we being watched? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 2 months ago
At last a matter on a subject I can directly relate too ‘Pure heaven’
The effect on metal of repeated cycles of stress. The insidious feature of fatigue failure is that there is no obvious warning, a crack forms without appreciable deformation of structure making it difficult to detect the presence of growing cracks. Fractures usually start from…[Read more]
Dibbs replied to the topic Christmas presents – what did you get ??? in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 2 months ago
Dibbs replied to the topic Word of the Day, take 2!!! in the board Chat forum three boards 16 years, 2 months ago
One for PB :lol:
Dibbs replied to the topic Crime in Your Area in the board Getting serious 16 years, 2 months ago
Now you could have said they stole a the bread from the bread-bin and I could have said now there’s a tea leaf that was using his loaf!!!!!
You gotta lead em out and reel em in *
Dibbs replied to the topic Ouch.. in the board Getting serious 16 years, 2 months ago
@WooHoo wrote:
Murder charge after ‘penis fire’!!
An Australian woman has been charged with murder after allegedly setting her husband’s genitals on fire because she thought he was having an affair.
Prosecutors told the Adelaide Magistrates Court that 44-year-old Rajini Narayan confessed to neighbours that she set her husband on fire on December… -
Dibbs replied to the topic Crime in Your Area in the board Getting serious 16 years, 2 months ago
Got it Pete, Your a star M8 thanks, My work internet settings exclude access but the new link worked fine and crimes going down as quick as Woolworth/adams/MFI/Barclays/M&S apparently 8)
Dibbs replied to the topic Crime in Your Area in the board Getting serious 16 years, 2 months ago
It’s something to do with the area (Sussex) and our server settings, It’s filtering out the last three letters I imagine!
It does need looking at closely though the ”this page cannot be displayed notice”
Perhaps there’s no crime there/here (sussex)?
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