@diane Not recently active ActivityProfileFriends 0Forums Topics StartedReplies CreatedFavourites Forum Replies Created Viewing 10 posts - 381 through 390 (of 409 total) ← 1 … 38 39 40 41 → Author Posts 23 May, 2005 at 7:22 am #33957 Diane My smoke alarm went off once and wouldnt stop. It was 11 30pm and in the end I pulled it off the ceiling 21 May, 2005 at 7:47 am #111430 Diane doubt it :twisted: 21 May, 2005 at 7:36 am #111428 Diane ooooooooooooooooooooooooo :oops: I mean’t coming to my house for the evening pml 21 May, 2005 at 7:25 am #112323 Diane @bert wrote: @morticia wrote: :evil: Okay, but does vodka have any points ??? If it gets you drunk and onto the end of my c’ock then it’s got a few good ones in my book :wink: Shocked and dismayed Bert tsk 21 May, 2005 at 7:19 am #111427 Diane you still coming did? 21 May, 2005 at 7:17 am #111426 Diane nice one Pats pml 20 May, 2005 at 11:34 am #111413 Diane well there is that I suppose :wink: 20 May, 2005 at 10:05 am #111411 Diane me too sue, especially when we are single parents who can’t get out on an evening. I just can’t understand why some single men spend all their time on here :? 20 May, 2005 at 9:53 am #111409 Diane because you sit at the pc talking to virtual people ????????????????? (just a thought) :D 20 May, 2005 at 6:21 am #112412 Diane Hello babycake :D :D :D :D :D Author Posts Viewing 10 posts - 381 through 390 (of 409 total) ← 1 … 38 39 40 41 →