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  • #486415

    Did the doctor recommend she be a lot less vigorous with the…..


    Its ok tho cos she has a spare wrist and thumb!!
    At least im guessing she does…..

    On a personal note I cut my finger! is this worthy of its own thread????


    Chatters in supermarkets. Sod off!!!!

    Women who collect every voucher from every rubbish magazine and then proceed to redeem the lot when i’m behind them in the queue! Not funny!!!


    You cant argue with someone who is obviously loving a bit of message board notoriety, as sad as that is!
    What was an interesting topic has become a tirade of geek ‘troll’ insults.

    Im off to find the ‘advanced’ forum. Daresay i wont get in but ill show willing at least….


    @jen_jen wrote:

    In my experience it’s usually male van drivers who do this! :lol:

    Nah van drivers are normally too busy eating pies whilst driving!


    The Christmas spirit….

    Now I feel under pressure to deliver!

    The idiot prince was the beta version, santa will unveil the full mk 1 version….

    As for the hut? unpainted, a blank canvas :D


    People who drive whilst chatting on their mobile phones, sadly its normally women who do this.

    Van drivers, sadly these are normally men lol I could rant about them, but wont!


    @blossom‘ wrote:

    The way you construct your threads brings me to think even more that you’re all just a bunch of male trolls disguised as females.

    Ive often suspected that some of the ladies have danglers of their own…
    You must have a third eye for these things!

    @blossom‘ wrote:

    You make too much of a big deal of what goes on in the chatrooms.

    Not the only one it seems….

    @blossom‘ wrote:

    Not fooled, sorry.

    Clearly you are!


    @cherriepie wrote:

    First Class plane tickets to Masky’s home.
    hm and…….Never ending packet of Twix ;)

    A hut

    A prince charming within

    A healthy supply of Gojo juice

    Erm…maybe some snow!!

    Tis the season to be jolly…..


    Very nice idea but i suspect every embittered man/woman with an axe to grind will be down the police station claiming to have been mentally abused. The courts will fill up and the only people who win will be lawyers.

    I can see it now ‘mental abuse lawyers4u’. Im afraid a genuine problem will simply become another money spinning extension for pen-pushers to an already ludicrous compensation culture!

    And of course innocent people could end up in a whole heap of trouble on the word of others!


    Hmmmm what to get for Lucy….

    Perhaps a ‘best of KD Lang’ album?
    Maybe a Martina Navratilova fitness video?
    ‘Horsing around the lesbian way’with Claire Balding?
    A bottle of brut aftershave?

    Cant think of anymore lesbian themed presents at the moment sorry!
    ill get back to you on it……

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