@esmeralda wrote:
Having been the instigator in the ending of all of my previous partnerships, I haven’t at any time had reason to seek revenge, and I think that people who do so are sad barstards to be honest..all of my exes continue to hold me in their affections, but as far as I’m concerned, regardless of the circumstances, when something is over..it’s over..time to move on.
With regard to revenge per se, my own passions and furies are instantly aroused but as swiftly banished; I either carry out the deed in the here and now, or the desire to do so suffocates as quickly as the muffled flames of my anger. This isn’t as the result of a forgiving nature so much as of a disinterested one.
The exception to my general rule, is where someone wrongs one my loved ones, but even then my response is of a terrifying and instant wrathfulness..not revenge but the apportioning of a rightful justice, the fury of all hell broken loose and married to the baleful blast of every flailing fallen angel. :twisted:
Jeeze I have to concentrate sooo hard when I read some of your posts :lol: