Forum Replies Created
17 November, 2008 at 5:14 pm #381133
Well seeing as we still have freedom of speach an all that, I shall call her what I like. I dont like her, I dont like her attitude, I dont like her voice, I dont like anything about her.
So what that she is turning her life around and trying to care for two kids now, what about the ones she had taken off her and put in care? Sorry, I dont care 1 dot about her.
Dear God there are things that have happened in my life that was hard, I didnt turn to drugs or crime or anything else then had my kids taken off me.
I may have cared a whole lot more about her, if her attitude had been different, but it wasnt. So if I want to call her a skank, I shall call her a skank!
17 November, 2008 at 5:00 pm #387138Aint it back on now?!
16 November, 2008 at 9:12 pm #381127Thanks to Wiki:
Skank is slang and a pejorative term used in English to describe a certain type of female. The term “Skank” differs from that of “Slut” in that whereas the latter implies only sexual promiscuity; the former also implies poor taste, personally selfish behaviour and low class. Other skank behaviors can include being obsessed with celebrity lifestyle and emulating it.
Originally denoting a bad smell[citation needed] or a filthy surface[3], “skank” has come to refer to someone who is physically repugnant for their filth, and figuratively applied to someone who is morally or socially repugnant for their behavior and demeanor, most often sexual conduct.
16 November, 2008 at 12:57 pm #381122@forumhostpb wrote:
I agree Sarah – Diana did the “poor little me” act again and managed to get away with it. Her singing voice was definitely well below par and as for her bogus American accent ….. ! At least she wore shoes this week (bad luck Sandie Shaw) and didn’t swat too many flies away from her hair.
I’m really sorry that Daniel got sent home, but I guess that even he knew it was inevitable and this week was as good as any to do it. He comes across as a really nice guy without any pretensions and I really hope that his future will be a good one. He was a nice guy, this actually was his best week, ironic eh
I loved Ruth Lorenzo’s singing … so much passion, so much feeling and wow does she have a powerful voice. I predict that she will be in the final. (Hostage to fortune eh?) Sexy as hell, jeeez even I’d “do” her! And she can sing!
Alexandra thoroughly deserved to go through to the next stage as well. She is another one that I predict will be in the final. She has a really nice, warm, friendly personality and a great singing voice as well – the closest thing to a professional singer in an amateur contest you can get. Think Alex is our winner by a long shot! She has a fantastic voice, love this girl!!!!
Hopefully JLS will go out soon – they seem to offer nothing much by way of originality or relevance and appear as typical of a bunch of south London street rappers as many other similar wannabe rappers. Have to say I did enoy their medley last night, but Louis is thier downfall!
Rachel is an interesting one. She seems to have backtracked from her stance last week and appears to be listening to advice now. How long THAT will last is anybody’s guess as she comes across as being highly volatile with a big big chip on her shoulder. She certainly has a good sultry ‘blues’ singing voice – but her arrogance and temper will sink her.
I cant say anymore on this skank that I havent already said! Well ok, She is an efffing skank!!!!“Owen” – don’t like him. OK voice, a bit weak and reedy, but he is playing on the little boy “teenage girlie’s dream” too much. Simon is keeping him in so as not to lose face. Thought he did ok last night, but I do think he is only in it now for the cute factor, but it is called the X Factor
I couldn’t believe it when Laura was sent home last week. There simply HAS to be more to it than meets the eye. If there is any justice in this world, she will be offered a ”contract” and promoted as an excellent singer by an eager agent anxious to snap up new talent.
[/color]Laura was fantastic, she should never have been thrown out last week. I think the fact she is seeing one of the producers didnt do her any favours, I do think that the calls should have been re counted. I know for a fact a few folk couldnt get throught to Laura’s line. This happened with Pop Idol. When Will Young won, My Mom was phoning Gareth Gates number and couldnt get through all night. This was happeneing with LAura’s number. It was a farce. She should still be there and rachel out. If that skank wins this effing show, I will never watch this show again, never!
12 November, 2008 at 8:46 pm #383146Thanx CL I will try and join in as when I can. Hate to let you all down, but hopefully I will be better soon and wont have to have these flying tablets anymore, so in the mean time
12 November, 2008 at 5:00 pm #383144Sorry Poet, I didnt know it was last night
12 November, 2008 at 4:59 pm #381117Jealousy is a bad thing too.
I would be wanting a recount on those phone votes myself
12 November, 2008 at 4:49 pm #386787I know for a fact, that had I been the social worker in this case, I would have resigned, never looked at myself in a mirror again and as for a good nights slepp, well that would never happen. How can anyone have a decent nights sleep after allowing that to happen?
12 November, 2008 at 4:44 pm #381116Well we all knew she would never had made it in a Diva week didnt we?!
I also agree with the theory that Laura was got rid of because of her relationship with one of the producers or who ever he is
11 November, 2008 at 8:45 pm #386780How many more innocent babies and children will die before the social services, doctors, health visitors et al, will learn their f*cking lessons and pull their f*cking fingers out and stop this senseless violence on innocent babies? WHEN?