Sairs73 replied to the topic Do you ever wonder what your neighbours favourite colour is late at night?….. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Well i have actually pondered and lost sleep over this very question.
For example my favourite colour is RED but i cant wear red cos whenever i do people just talk to my breasts and not my face IS IT ALL ABOUT MIZZY YET AGAIN????
sorry have no idea where that outburst came from. YEAH IT IS SUCK IT UP FUCKERS. Jesus sorry i do have undecided…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic What insect is better a ladybird or a snail? in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 9 months ago
6 surprising facts about ladybugs
- Technically, they’re lady beetles, not bugs. …
- They aren’t all red with black spots. …
- A ladybug may consume 5,000 aphids in its life. …
- Winter is the time for a ‘ladybug bacchanalia’ (and hibernation). …
- A ladybug’s spots warn potential predators. …
- The ‘lady’ part of their name is said to…
Sairs73 replied to the topic Taking the crap or giving it…which shows a stronger mentality? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Awww Thanks John Babe xxxx
Sairs73 replied to the topic Vinyl or carpet…..that is the question?…. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
PROBLEM SOLVED get a vinyl floor with a nice rug HAVE BOTH treat yourself
Sairs73 replied to the topic Vinyl or carpet…..that is the question?…. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Have you seen those brand new half carpet half wood rugs that fit any room? Mister Q maybe that would solve all your problems They come in ONE SIZE to fit all.
Maybe a nice stroll along the seaside may make you decide to put sand in your hallway.
Or paddling along the edge of the waves may make you decide to put a paddling pool in your fabulous…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Vinyl or carpet…..that is the question?…. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Well having both carpet and vinyl in my living room in the past, I am at the same dilemma, same crossroads and like you I am also perplexed as to which to choose.
I am considering ripping up my carpet and laying down floor tiles and just buying a rug.
Even cheap floor tiles can look good.
I had both in my old house.
Its so easy to sweep and…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Taking the crap or giving it…which shows a stronger mentality? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
My life is so fantastic I feel so delighted
Did I say i’m great and made it highlighted
I feel so wanted and cared for
Yes i’m greedy and still want More
Today I will be going to the pub
To fill my face full of Grub xxxx
Sairs73 replied to the topic Taking the crap or giving it…which shows a stronger mentality? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
One is fine One is Dandy
One might have a half of shandy
Yes I feel so elated
One feels so and inflated
Just has steak and chips
In the pub and need a kips
Toodles xxxx
Sairs73 replied to the topic Taking the crap or giving it…which shows a stronger mentality? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Nope, still none the wiser.
Sairs73 replied to the topic Being threatened bribed and punished by other chatters in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Unless I am logged in there is no proof that any number is me.
Hugs keeps accusing me of all sorts yet has zero proof.
Yawn, snore
Sairs73 replied to the topic Taking the crap or giving it…which shows a stronger mentality? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Yeah like every single post.
I try to translate it but give up after the first sentence.
I am sure she will find that spanner eventually ITS BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sairs73 replied to the topic Being threatened bribed and punished by other chatters in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Has ANYONE been sent hugs pic or address?
Has my address been shared on the boards?
Does anyone have pics of me?
So why is this silly silly slanderous man harping on about his ‘details being shared’ when in fact his details haven’t been shared or posted up BUT MINE HAVE.
Cry me a river you stupid…[Read more]
Sairs73 started the topic Being threatened bribed and punished by other chatters in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
I have had my employment agency basically hacked by tracynumber1. she has posted up my address in main chat and on the boards because hugs posted up my full name on the boards.
so she did a search on me. So in one respect no one can say that I’m some benefit scrounging ponce but on the other hand now people know I have worked and because I…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic What's you favorite observational quote of all time?….. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
not seen what?
its on the boards.
Oh I don’t care x
she must have felt that much hatred towards me and my kids and grandson she felt the need to post up where I live.
I live alone, sometimes my children and mum visit me, she found me on the internet and posted up my address.
I would NEVER do that to a mother or to anyone.
I have no idea why…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic What's you favorite observational quote of all time?….. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
I have worked most of my life in offices, I had to stop when I had my mental breakdown, unbeknown to you lot ive still worked and earned my money hence why I was on linkedin and had my cv up as I’m quite clever and have earned money and work even now I still work part time I do spreadsheet work webwork and database work none of your business she…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic What's you favorite observational quote of all time?….. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
once hugs posted up my full name she researched me and found me on a job employment website.
yet they both accuse me of being a troll?
So I am a troll?
Sairs73 replied to the topic What's you favorite observational quote of all time?….. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Well shes not been banned for putting up my details when she searched for me when I worked in a patent office in Cambridge and got my address.
why would she search up my employment record?
do none of you find that odd?
I worked full time as a PA for a patent company why do none of you feel that’s a bit odd that she would find me on an…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic What's you favorite observational quote of all time?….. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
NEVER TRUST TRACYNUMBER1 if you annoy her she will find you over the internet post up your full name and address details and threaten to throw acid in your face like she did me
Sairs73 replied to the topic What's you favorite observational quote of all time?….. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
she calls me a ‘drunken suicidal mess’ and posts up my old home address just because I said she was ‘evil’
so maybe I can often be a ‘suicidal mess’ ive not been that way for months and ok I’m a bit wonky but as a supposed mother couldnt she understand what ive been through? So many woman here have seen my rantings and been through similar a…[Read more]
Sairs73 started the topic Split: What's you favorite observational quote of all time?….. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
oh and never ever assume or take others for granted as you never really know what you are actually dealing with.
So always be prepared.
be prepared for the worst, look at your worse case scenario and work out how you would deal with it before it happens so that when it does you are able to deal with it in advance.
be savvy and then those people…[Read more]
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