Dafydd replied to the topic media player…grrrr in the board Technical Q&A 17 years ago
Just you be careful my dragon dosn’t roast that damn dog of yours! -
Dafydd replied to the topic Probs again in the board Technical Q&A 17 years ago
Just because I can’t be bothered to shop around, when Orange anounced that they were doing away with Anytime and sent me a broadband kit I set it up. They said it would run up to 8mbps. However it’s been running 3 days and seems to have settled down to 2.2 mbps. Is this the best I’m liable to get, or is there anything I can do to speed it…[Read more] -
Dafydd replied to the topic thousands marching demanding death of teddy teacher in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
To be fair SailinGal, British Muslims have been almost unanimous in condeming those idiots in the Sudan!
Dafydd replied to the topic thousands marching demanding death of teddy teacher in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
O dear!
Has everyone just noticed then, that religion like politics can be used to twist any arguement around to suit? -
Dafydd replied to the topic I Hereby Christen This Bear….. in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
I’d have been more concerned if the children had christened him Michael Jackson! By the way; it’s only just occured to me. How can Muslim children bestow a “Christian Name”?
Dafydd replied to the topic What a farce… in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
Notice that they never lose records of what we’re supposed to owe them!
Dafydd replied to the topic So …. what about the Bear then eh????? in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
P.S. I do think Waspish perhaps needs to turn it down a notch or two – I don’t imagine that any of our homes are insured against a Jihad!
Dafydd replied to the topic So …. what about the Bear then eh????? in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
O words fail me on this – I mean has anyone asked those haemaroid bound idiots in the Sudan, if they really think that the Prophet (bearer of the word of God by the way), if he would really be offended by a child’s toy?