Forum Replies Created
24 June, 2008 at 11:55 am #339383
Isn’t that like saying for every baby a human woman has, she is taking up a home that could have been used by the thousands of unwanted children? Think about it..
17 June, 2008 at 12:01 pm #2795618 June, 2008 at 9:46 pm #306466@Forget Me Not wrote:
@cymorill wrote:
^^ that is NOT haiku. That is just a sentance broken up into three lines.
These are haiku..
The world? Moonlit
Drops shaken
From the crane’s bill.Dogen
Another, more traditional one ..
in tree shade
dwelling with a butterfly…
friends in a previous lifeKobayashi Issa
You are mistaken
a haiku is of three lines
beat five, seven, fiveHow silly of me not to realise that someone in the 21st century knows more than the Japanese writers that came up with haiku 300 years ago. :roll:
If you want to know what true haiku is, google Matsuo Basho, he is regarded as the founding father of haiku.
6 June, 2008 at 3:36 pm #306459^^ that is NOT haiku. That is just a sentance broken up into three lines.
These are haiku..
The world? Moonlit
Drops shaken
From the crane’s bill.Dogen
Another, more traditional one ..
in tree shade
dwelling with a butterfly…
friends in a previous lifeKobayashi Issa
3 June, 2008 at 2:13 pm #336235The problem is, we voted in a government that forced us into the human rights laws. So will you be voting against new labour, blue labour, lib dems and greens? ..
If we didnt have the human rights we were “forced into”, then people, like yourself, wouldnt be allowed to spew the complete and utter bol.locks they class as opinions with so much regularity. People would still be slaves, women would not be allowed to open their mouths in public, and children would still be shoved up rich people’s chimneys to clean em.
So yep lets do away with Human Rights, and go back to living in the dark ages when life was soooo much better.
2 June, 2008 at 6:26 pm #336228I would rather have an “evil christian state” that has a modicum of basic morality, than live in a society where someone feels they should be allowed to do what the heck they want when they want, regardless of who it affects, because they desire “human freedom”.
2 June, 2008 at 10:34 am #339989Make sure This doesn’t happen to you PB. No sound for some reason, but funny nonetheless. :lol:
22 May, 2008 at 11:17 am #31960216 May, 2008 at 3:44 pm #335958Technically, i am not an agnostic, but an atheist. I do not dispute there being an afterlife, i do however dispute there being a god. You can question whether you have a soul or not, and question what happens to it when you die, without needing a religious conviction that there is a supreme being. :)
16 May, 2008 at 2:42 pm #335956@Forget Me Not wrote:
I would never choose to willingly end my own life, I have no religious faith whatsoever, I don’t believe that you’go to a happier place’. All that happens is that you die and all that remains behind is a corpse and a memory and the thing with those is that after a while they become buried and forgotten. another phrase pops into my head ‘to be forgotten is a fate worse than death’
How do you know what happens when you die? Have you died and come back as a spirit that can use the internet to inform us all that there is no afterlife (therefore debunking your own views)? I am an athiest, but i am spiritually open enough to believe in some form of afterlife. All too often people misconstrue not having religious faith as not being spiritual.
To me, euthanasia, assisted suicide, or just plain old suicide, what ever ya want to call it, is a persons basic human right. It is our body, we should be allowed to do what the hell we want with it, as long as it harms no one else, and if we are incapable of physically doing the deed ourselves, should be free to have someone assist us without them having fear of retribution.
I have great admiration for people that assist others that are suffering, in whatever capacity. In the cases of those that have assisted someone to die, it must have taken a great deal of emotional strength, love and compassion, not to mention a great deal of soul searching before commiting to such an act. Before anyone condemns another person for either commiting suicide, or wishing to help someone commit suicide for whatever reason, you should walk a mile in their shoes first, and see whether you would have the strength to go through with it.