Soulie replied to the topic DId anyone make? in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
@Cymorill wrote:
to start taking my zen studies far more seriously and to let go of the past finally, hopefully the former will help with the latter. :)
thats a bit boring though
i say, enjoy student life more, and get drunk more times per week :)
Racquel replied to the topic Chav Nativity in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 2 months ago
@Cymorill wrote:
There’s this bird called Mary, yeah? She’s a virgin (wossat then?)
She’s not married or nuffink, but she’s got this boyfriend, Joe,
innit? He does joinery an’ that. Mary lives with him in a crib dahn Nazaref.One day Mary meets this bloke Gabriel. She’s like `Oo ya lookin at?’
Gabriel just goes ‘You got one up the duff, you…