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  • #30252

    bye all xoxoxoxo


    :roll: ti od tnac I


    i doughnut believe you posted to get it back to top :roll: lmao


    hi, welcome to the nut house xoxox

    enjoy your stay :wink:


    :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry:


    lol night hunnyxoxoxoxoxoxox glad to help :lol: :lol:

    we tried our best eh! cuddles :D :D :D

    rite im off now , nn cuddles xoxoxoxox

    sweet dreams xoxoxoxoxoxox


    event horizon ,……… scifi,/horror

    the island /……… good one
    war of worlds
    transporter two
    sin citys /…………………good
    constantine ………………….

    “crow3” .wicked prayer

    “are we there yet” wiv ice cube was funny

    dunno if any these help hunny ??


    hiya kenty me luvly xoxoxoxo

    was just off , thought i say hi , :D :D :D

    give us a clue ? what sort do you like babes?
    we on bout dvds/videos ?
    or whats on at cinema?


    a good pal , and a luvly lass, always has time fer ya , and i lubs her lots xoxoxoxoxoxox :D :D :D


    luckyliciousssssssss is a lovely lass, makes me giggle , an i lubs her xoxoxoxoxoxox :D :D :D :D

Viewing 10 posts - 1,561 through 1,570 (of 1,696 total)