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  • #1145685



    Hey Linda, what about the 81+ MILLION VOTES that voted for BIDEN.  People like you are brainwashed by the right wing media and the CUNT tRUMP into believing that just because he got a measely 74million that that gives him the right to win.

    Hey Linda, your tan-boy LOST and he lost BIGLY by 6 MILLION VOTES. The boy tRUMP is the only ex president in history to tout his LOSING VOTES  in his pathetic speeches because that’s what he is, a fucking LOSER.

    Hey Linda, has it ever occurred to you why tRUMP doesn’t claim voter fraud in the states he won? He only claims fraud in the swing states he LOST because that’s the only way he could have won by claiming fraud everytime. Kids cry like that when they lose a game in the playground. ‘Booooo hoooooo…I want my mammyyyy!!’  He’s just a piece of sick shit who’s a bad loser and who think’s he’s above the law. And if I could say that to the remainder of the other 70 million, I think i might just invest my time doing so. But you know what? It’s not 70 million any more. It’s probably nearer 60, it might be as low as 50…..maybe 40 mill because unlike you and puds, a lot of people have woken up to the mistake they made in voting for the CUNT tRUMP.

    He’s narcisstic, he’s an addicted LIAR, he’s a power hungry authoritarian and now he’s shown to completely disregard the top secrets of his country for the sake of profit and jeopardising the safety of YOUR America. He cares no more about Americans than he would a cockroach. He is absolutely a threat to your DEMOCRACY.

    Those are the FACTS Linda, not some parallel universe that the aussie twat murdoch peddles to you. Once you accept the facts Linda then you can make your own conclusions about right and wrong.




    It’s the puds and linda show again – holy fuck, what a pair of comical imbeciles. There’s no fucking allegation about it. He had TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS.

    Linda thinks her idol has the power to declassify documents when there is absolutely no evidence that he went through the declassification process even if there was one. He just took them because he thought he was above the law and he wanted to make MONEY out of them. He’s mixed classified  documents in with press cuttings about HIMSelf because he is a narcissistic CUNT. His mind, like his filing system is a fucking mess and then there’s the 40 odd EMPTY classified folders. Where the fuck did the documents in those go? This CUNT has put the security of your entire country at risk and you think he’s as innocent as a new born baby. It’s nice to hear the sensible majority in America talking about the crazy right wingers. HA!  You’re both a dying breed.

    Obama and the 30 million documents ? Fucking FALSE you crock of lie-believing shit
    CLAIM: Former President Barack Obama took 30 million documents, many of them classified, to Chicago upon leaving the White House.
    AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Obama administration records are exclusively held and maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency confirmed.

    This claim has been INVENTED by tRUMP and you deluded twats believe every word.

    The special master is a time wasting mafia tactic. Someone who tRump will try and bribe so let’s wait for THAT phone call recording. ‘I just want to find 11,780 votes. Give me a break’

    tRump knows he’s in the SHIT and he’s buying time but it’s nice to get back to the name of this thread – tRump in the SHIT. If either of you had been found in possession of a secret document, you’d be in jail by now.

    What is obvious is that you have both been brainwashed into believing that you can’t trust your own entire justice system anymore. You’re so fucking deep into your belief, you’re hanging on by your fingernails and you’re gonna have a great fall like a pair of humpty dumptys.

    It’s sooooo satisfying riling up the extreme right wing crazies.

    The puds and linda show – a comedy act extraordinaire.

    Your serve.

    Does Donald Trump look better in black and white stripes or an orange prison jumpsuit? - Quora




    Hey puds lad,

    You don’t change do you.  You don’t answer my questions and then you just put up shit videos.

    So come on puds lad, be brave. Why did tRump have all those secret documents eh?


    No-one else in here seems to have the balls to answer.



    Anyway, while you mull over that one cleared, I thought I’d follow your tRump meme with a few more from the same collection. They really are quite good.

    No one thought Trump would last this long That's what she said - Donald  Trump1 | Meme Generator

    Donald Trump donning his dapper do and duck lips - Donald Trump1 | Meme  Generator

    i'm donald trump and i slap your bitch ass like a pimp - Donald Trump - The  Joker | Make a Meme


    no! wrong I did not poop my pants - Donald Trump Says | Make a Meme


    There’s LOADS more if you want.


    Cleeeeeeeared!!! How damn good it is to see you man! I hope you’ve been keeping well and not been too suicidal.

    I know, it must be a lot to take in. Are you still a trumper? Yeah…stupid question. Anyway, I’m glad you’re back. Puds always seems too formulaic in his contributions, yunno, insult followed by irrelevent facts followed by insults. And as for Linda….well…Linda is Linda.


    So tell me cleared. Why do YOU think tRump  had all those secret documents?




    hey tRumpers – watch this


    BOMBSHELL: Trump SINKS himself with absurd response IN COURT – YouTube



    tRumpers love to spout whataboutism to defend their demi-god. What about Hilary, what about Hunter, what about Obama, what about Top Cat, what about the little mouse at the bottom of the garden, whatabout whatabout smatabout….







    Anyway, whilst we wait for an answer from puds lad, why do you Linda think trump had all those secret documents, eh Linda?

    What was he going to do with them?

    What was he going to do with all those secrets? Eh Linda?





    Linda, Oh dear oh dear.

    You only watch fox don’t you my dear because it’s only fox that have been saying tRump  left these documents all over the floor when it was obvious the FBI were simply displaying what they found and the floor was the only thing that was big enough because of the amount! His lawyer is trying the same spin. This defence is really quite pathetic but you still believe it.

    Dear oh dear oh dear.


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