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  • #1145725


    But nothing beats the world’s arsehole king of disrespect

    Trump Walks in Front of Queen Elizabeth, Causing Social Media Frenzy - The  New York Times

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    Linda I suggest you read the HRH…… post to see what your gobby mate rodge thinks about respect


    May our Glorious Queen

    Rest In Peace

    Long Live the King.



    Trust somer to misspell




    ‘so who cares as long as the Trump did not physically kill someone with own hands’

    So there we have it. Linda doesn’t care what tRump does unless he kills someone with his bare hands.

    Actually I’m not even sure that you’d hold tRump to account even if he did strangle someone. I’m pretty sure all you tRumpers would rally round tan-boy and say that the victim deserved it.

    As I’ve said before….you’re all beyond help.







    Linda, to address your incessant droning on about previous political investigations in your America, something which you do not seem to know much about, the results of those investigations were as follows:

    Hilary’s emails: no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information

    Hunnter Biden’s Laptop: No clear evidence

    Obama: All documents handed over to the National Archive

    Of course, all this occured when tRump’s fat arse was in the oval Office. He’s been moaning about these ever since just like you do BUT HE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THEM. WHY DIDN’T HE LOCK THEM UP? HE COULD HAVE INSTRUCTED HIS OWN DOJ TO FIND  THEM GUILTY AND HE DIDN’T – BECAUSE THERE WAS NO FUCKING EVIDENCE. tRump even used the laptop saga in his ‘October surprise’ which did fuck all because he lost by 6 million votes.

    So Linda, stop moaning about these past irrelevances and answer the fucking question.






    Linda, I think you’re going deaf…so I’ll ask again seeing as you’re besties with your loverboy.




    Wow Linda, you personally knew trump eh.

    Can you do us a favour then? Give him a ring and ask him what he was planning to do with all those secret documents?

    Pretty please?



    Your democracy Linda is the most powerful in the world and yet now, it is the most fragile. It was severely threatened on January 6th and but for the actions of honest men, your democracy would have fallen to the mob.

    I’m not american, you’re right, but I know when a democracy is under attack and if your country falls prey to the violent right wing who are emboldened to be tRumps attack dog army then your country becomes a dictator state, elections become meaningless and Russia and China win. And there will be no going back.

    Just ponder on who the real enemy is here Linda.

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