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11 January, 2021 at 4:28 pm #1133985
Oh and by the way, the SARS outbreak that you referred to occurred in the States in 2003, during the GW Bush administration. I wonder what gave you the impression that it was Obama/Biden’s era?
If you actually meant Ebola in 2014 then I believe 4 people died from it in the States, some of those had travelled in from ebola-ridden countries. I believe the CDC were allowed to do their work without political interference and Fauci was key.
I won’t sadden you with the current U.S. covid death toll. I’m shielding my wife and mother-in-law from the rest of the world. And we wear masks.
11 January, 2021 at 4:10 pm #1133984Regarding your point about Biden hiding, ( at least I think that’s what you mean), I don’t know what news outlet you’ve been watching but I’ve seen Biden give more Presidential, Cabinet and Covid briefings in the last 2 weeks than Trump did in 4 years.
Of course, Fox, OANN, Newsmax would never show anything that Biden says in the same way that CNN, NBC,ABC never shows Trump. What I’ve learnt about American media is that you have to get information from several sources to try and make sense about what is the actual truth using your own filters. I’m afraid the the news media industry in the states is in a bit of a shitty state with no real truthful middle of the road information but that doesn’t give anyone the excuse to say “I’m only going to watch/listen to X and ignore the rest” That, in my opinion is just plain ignorance and if you’re only getting your information from opinion-driven sources, then that is just plain dangerous.
11 January, 2021 at 3:51 pm #1133982Hi Linda, You’re asking about Biden’s contribution – ok…
well…lets start with your own Bureau of Labor Statistics ( see attachment)
If I’m not mistaken, Obama/Biden administration inherited the Global recession issue in 2008 but bought the unemployment for high school eds from 16% down to 6%. Trump/Pence managed another 2 points on the downward trend. Is that a good enough starter Linda. I could find more if you want?
11 January, 2021 at 2:55 pm #1133979Ge : come out from behind your sofa and say what’s on your mind – coward
11 January, 2021 at 1:11 pm #1133977You’re not funny
11 January, 2021 at 10:50 am #1133976Fancy that – I was an Electronic Engineer in Flight Control Systems – an interface for my company back in the UK
11 January, 2021 at 2:53 am #1133971My dear Linda,
I’m sensing that your mind is still raw from all the political events that have happened over the last few weeks and the last thing I want to do is cause emotional damage.
I’ll go quietly into the night and wish you well.
11 January, 2021 at 2:27 am #1133969P.S.
Blair fucked up Iraq
That’s his legacy.
And we’ve been fucking up the Middle East for a century and more.
Start your movement Drac – let’s get some civic sense going eh?
11 January, 2021 at 2:23 am #1133968Aha !!! I see light at the end of the tunnel. You have some admiration for the Queen. God bless you my dear. I wouldn’t be so bold as to say that makes you a Royalist but I think we do agree she has been a beacon of inspiration in the decades she has been on the throne, in her palaces, and estates. Of course, it is Her Majesty’s Government isn’t it. We (well, I for one) elect the Government and her weekly sitreps makes sure the PM doesn’t stray from the straight and narrow otherwise she would have them over her knee! We can’t elect the Monarch because that is a royal blood/succession thing but we can elect the people we want to do the hand’s on stuff. It’s not perfect but as you say, it’s the best we have. Of course, being an academic, you’ll remember we had a bit of a Civil War to sort all that out – you know, Parliament – treating people as equals – giving them the vote – and then of course the Suffragettes who died fighting to get women the vote. Most of it, especially human rights stems from the Magna Carta. It’s in my local cathedral. Fascinating read. You’ll know that as well of course. And I won’t bore you with how my Dad fought in the war, a war that came so close to you speaking German.
So, lets consider ourselves lucky that we were born in a reasonably decent society where we are free to express an opinion and not one such as North Korea or god forbid, Saudi Arabia where your female rights would be a bit restricted.
11 January, 2021 at 1:24 am #1133963Oh I do beg your pardon. You did provide a response to the source question. Let’s see….witness statements, academic papers……hmmm… and then there’s the etc and the problems……
Drac… you believe anything that anyone tells you ?