No surprise that you’ve rocked up in this thread Linda to defund, sorry defend, your mate Gerry boi.
The sad fact is (check the post timings) that it was Gerry boi who crept out of the bushes first to start his little hate campaign but like your other friend trump, Gerry boi was also peddling lies and disinformation.
So he got back as good as he gave – with interest. Quite frankly, it was a pleasure to watch him squirm on my hook before i fed him to the rats. He seems to have shut up and gone away to his bunker but if you’re now his spokesperson you always have Kayleigh Mcanany as a role model.
Linda, you and Gerry boi were made for each other. You really should learn to knit my dear. Then you two would make a lovely knitting circle producing MAGA scarves. Maybe you could invite in donald. I hear he’s got a free diary these days and probably needs a destressor as well.
Enjoy the inauguration.