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  • #1134213


    Dear Drac,

    I see you are in need of some education again.

    You pay a lot of National Insurance (12%) as a household which means that you are earning a very good wage compared to the majority of the population. Lucky you.

    You seem to think that NI only pays for the NHS. Not so. It pays for :

    1. Your state pension when you get old (I strongly advise that you have your own workplace pension as well if you don’t)
    2. Jobseeker’s allowance (ever been unemployed?)
    3. Maternity allowance (errrmmm…..?)
    4. Bereavement support
    5. Sickness and disability allowances

    American’s might call all this socialism, some even communism.  I know which side of the pond I prefer to live.




    Is increasing the military budget good or bad. Interesting question Drac. Of course, you’ll understand that the reason I raised it was because trump said he spent more on the military than any other president in the history of America. It was a lie, like most of the things he said.

    But, that aside, let’s discuss the ethics of military spend if your question is an honest one rather than retorical.

    You’ll know of course that trump decided to let the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty lapse, (which it will in a short while) thereby allowing Russia and of course the USA to develop and deploy new  nuclear weapons. Biden on the other hand has indicated he wishes to extend the treaty as offered by Russia. Let’s see what happens eh.

    I, for one would rejoice if all weapons of war were banned. Let’s start big with nuclear shall we? Maybe I should get my old CND tshirt out and start marching again. Want to join me? That’s my answer to your question Drac. Every penny spent on preparing for or waging war is wasted and a crime against mankind and the planet.

    And if you believe that as well, try tripping over to Moscow, Beijing, Pyongyang, Dehli, Islamabad  and Tehran with your CND banner, not forgetting London, Paris and the Pentagon.

    You could be the hero of the new world.


    What do you think of  western civilisation Mr Ghandi? – ‘I think it would be a very good idea’




    Gerry the Germ boi’s detached home. Linda and Drac are always welcome.

    Pin on Gerry the Germ



    Drac, Linda Gerry boi.

    Three trumpers


    Enough said.





    You know what drac. I’ll take back that last comment. It wasn’t right for me to suggest you pack up up your bags and leave the UK. So I’ll apologise for that one.

    But you are a very depressing character – on here at least. I can’t think of one encouraging thing you’ve ever said. Take a positivity pill.

    As to National Insurance. I’ve paid a lot over my career so in my retirement I got some reward for that by having my work done for nothing. That’s insurance isn’t it. Just like car and house and holiday insurance isn’t it.

    Do you pay any insurance drac ?





    I’m glad i don’t know you drac. You make everyone suicidal.


    If you don’t like this country you know what you can do.







    Gerry boi – where the fuck are you? I’ve got so much choice content waiting…..



    Oddbods OC | Gerry




    The US is the ONLY country in the western world that doesn’t have Universal Health Care.

    I had a successful double hernia op on the NHS with a 2 month wait and it cost me nothing. My friend in Ohio told me the same would have cost me $15,000 in the states.

    Free healthcare is a human right my dear.

    Obamacare is a step towards Universal healthcare in America. They’ll be growing pains as the insurers/providers adapt. But you’ll get there. One day.


    Even Gerry boi gets free healthcare and despite it’s challenges, the British TREASURE their NHS.


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