…and I hope Ge= Gerry will curtail his vile ranting behaviour that’s he’s followed as a number/numbers in f1 and more so in the boards. He seemed to be a bit more civil in the room today as his alter ego of Kingarfer = Gerry. Carry on the good development Gerry/Merlin/Kingarfer.
When I started posting on the boards a vile chatter called Ge= Gerry decided to rant against me. I did fight fire with fire and he gave up. I dont feel any satisfaction in name calling but he was the main number in the chat rooms who was being vile to me AND OTHERS. Now guests are banned realtime hatred and spamming has disappeared immediately.
Great news to ban guests from the site. I’ve just spent 2 very pleasurable hours CHATTING in F1 with no spam and no lowlife. Sure some of the good guests have to decide if they want to spend a tenner to continue but the main thing is that it keeps the lice away.
Protecting the Federal Workforce – Orders the secretary of Labour to revise and upgrade guidance to protect federal workers from Covid-19, and to work with states to make sure all workers are properly protected.
A Sustainable Public Health Supply Chain – Directs several cabinet secretaries to order a review of supplies needed to combat the pandemic, including personal protective equipment and “the resources necessary to effectively produce and distribute tests and vaccines at scale”
Economic Relief Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic – A broad order that directs federal agencies to do all they can to help people and business access programmes designed to help them recover from the pandemic’s economic effects.
These all suck do they? Everyone of these is aimed at positively affecting the lives of your fellow American citizens – whatever side of the political divide they fall.
Seems like you’re really not a very nice person if you think all of these suck.
Your stoic refusal to engage in any form of civil debate is quite frankly getting tiresome. I’m really trying to understand what you specifically do and don’t like about your government.
So i’ll ask you about one specific Executive order signed by Biden.
EO 14002 signed 22nd January 2021 ( 2 days after inauguration)
Executive order on the Economic Relief related to Covis-19 Pandemic.
Here’s the detail Linda – https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/27/2021-01923/economic-relief-related-to-the-covid-19-pandemic
So Linda, nice and easy one. Do you think families and small business affected by COVID should be given economic support?
Why do you invest sooooo much of your precious spare time watching and referring to only right wing opinion media? Isn’t it about time you brought some political balance into your life with FACTS and not just OPINIONS?
Fox (owned by billionaire Aussie Murdoch and trump friend) gives a job to Steve Hilton (kicked out from Number 10 with a chip on his shoulder) so he can fund his $20 million pad in California. Just because he has a British accent and an Oxford degree doesn’t make him any more plausible than Carlson, Hannity, Dobbs, Bartiromo etc. They all espouse trump but they’re all in it for the MONEY. They will say what they need to say to keep you tuned in for ADVERTISING REVENUE and to stop their base leeching away to their deadly foes at OANN and Newsmax. That, my dear Linda is their agenda.
Linda, are you not able to see what your Government of the day are actually DOING so you can make your own mind up? Why do you have to listen to the biased OPINIONS of others to form your own OPINIONS?
I really do urge you to refresh your thinking and look yourself at what’s happening in your Government. Form your opinions from FACTS and not opinions of others.
Biden’s Executive Orders are FACTS Linda. They are at the top of your government’s decision tree and not tainted by prejudiced commentators. You either agree with them, or you don’t?
Oh Hello Linda – I thought you’d gone off the grid. I’m glad you’re back in the contest because at least you say something (and Sassey doesn’t appear to say anything…)
LEVINE? – hmmmm…are you referring to Mark LEVIN (celebrated radio DJ) who wrote a Republican oriented book in 2013 about changing your constitution? Yessss….of course you do.
I took the time to read a summary of it actually. He makes some good points (term limits for supreme court justices for example) but it is a very conservative, dare I say right-wing approach to changing government. Why don’t you vote republican next time and see what happens? What disturbs me though Linda is that if this right wing radio bloke is one of your main sources of political information then you show the classic signs of extreme partisanship. We agree that the american media is in dire straits but it’s an individual’s choice as to whether they decide to cut themselves off from sources attempting to report facts instead of opinionating their political religion.
May I suggest you read the summary of the Magna Carta written in 1215 (an original of which is in my local cathedral – put it on your todo list). It’s the first known document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself. Lots of national constitutions have been derived from the Magna Carta, including your own. Kinda topical, don’t you think?
John F Kennedy “We choose to go to the Moon…We choose to go to the Moon in this decade”
America landed on the moon in that decade.
Ronald Reagan “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
The Berlin Wall was taken down marking the end of the Cold War
Donald J Trump “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”
errrmmmm…….. Eighty miles of new wall were built (funded by the U.S. Defense Department) on the two thousand mile border.
Now Linda,
I’m really trying to be civil here so I’ll ask for the fourth time.
Which of the 42 Biden Executive orders don’t you like?
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by cooldandywarhol.
Sassey – the epitome of a dumb american who is not only an anti-vaxxer and Qanon cultist but also believes that the trump con artist will be back in the White House in a few days, months, years ?…..decades ?
Yes Linda, I understand all that. Your government processes aren’t particularly different from ours. I’m not asking about your processes of funding, approval etc etc. I’m asking you about your POLICIES and which ones you agree or don’t agree with – which are partially encapsulated in the Executive orders. You do understand the difference between process and policy don’t you….
So….one more time Linda.
Which of the 42 Executive orders do you not like????????????????????????????